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red <!> for almost every mod i get


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so i first got fallout gtoy on seam had fun but didn't mod much but when i downloaded some mods i get the <!>s on some stuff so i look around and found out it could be i was using steam (I have ArchiveInvalidation Invalidated activated) so i go out and buy the disk verison at walmart ( still gtoy) load it up works fine until i try out the mods no differance from when i had it on steam can someone please tell me how to fix this because i want my mods to work



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Are you using the ArchiveInvalidation Invalidated from the FO3 Nexus or the one that comes with FOMM? Try deactivating and then reactivating Archive Invalidation.
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might help if you tell us what mods you got installed


k i got (also my load order)

-Fallout 3 with all dlcs ----------------- enclavecommander military

-rrcompanionvault - rr companions 300,250,200,100 follow distance

cotozic vault home and global patch --------military camp

-americanMCU ---------------------- FNNCQ

-enclave inflaritate ------------------ FNNCQ mesmetron

-rr wasteland posters -------------------- groovatron

-rr5 more males ------------ F3 umpa animation

-rr5 more females ------------ groovatron pitt,anch,PL addons

-slave poses

--rr guards

-no more centaurs

-jacko miltary equipment enhanced

-rr pitt

-rr lookout

-rr steel


-pilotable vertibird by arlix

Edited by falloutboy77
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Are you using the ArchiveInvalidation Invalidated from the FO3 Nexus or the one that comes with FOMM? Try deactivating and then reactivating Archive Invalidation.



i think i have them both activated

i will deactivated the FOMM and deactivated nexus one reactivate use that and see if that work



EDIT: not working it seems when a actviated the nexus one the FOMM one turns on also. is that suppost to happen?

Edited by falloutboy77
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  • 1 month later...

Install the game here:


C:\GAMES\Bethesda Softworks\Fallout 3


(Game) If CD 2 gives you trouble (slow) run it from safe mode, disables

windows encryption checking and installs fast.

Patch to 1.7. (yes GOTY is v1.7 - patch anyway.)


FOMM. (ArchiveInvalidation Invalidated) built in.


Red ! is missing Meshes...

Flickering colors or all red/blue skin is Archive Invaidation or missing textures.



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  • 2 weeks later...

Install the game here:


C:\GAMES\Bethesda Softworks\Fallout 3


(Game) If CD 2 gives you trouble (slow) run it from safe mode, disables

windows encryption checking and installs fast.

Patch to 1.7. (yes GOTY is v1.7 - patch anyway.)


FOMM. (ArchiveInvalidation Invalidated) built in.


Red ! is missing Meshes...

Flickering colors or all red/blue skin is Archive Invaidation or missing textures.




The game is in C:\Program Files\Bethesda Softworks\Fallout 3

I didn't see a games folder should i make one?


i want to know before i do the other suff

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The game is in C:\Program Files\Bethesda Softworks\Fallout 3

I didn't see a games folder should i make one?

Sure. If you want to. Doesn't even matters what name you give the folder.


The only thing that truly matters is that you install it somewhere else then in the "Program Files" folder.


Also, do you have FoMM? If so, could you please re-post your load order?


How? Open FoMM, go to "Load Order", then select "Copy to Clipboard", then you can paste it into your reply.

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