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Folders Music


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I want only the music of "The Battle", but if I delete the other folders and leave the folder "Battle", and has to make a start and end any battle, the music continues.

I would have ended the battle after the music stops, but as I said continues.

How can I do to have just the music "Battle", and ended after quitting the music?

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I am sorry, but I really can not understand what you are saying. Your English I mean. Are you telling us that you deleted all off the music folders inside of the "Music" directory? And that after a battle in the game, the battle music continues to play instead of stopping?
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If that is the case, it should be quite simple to fix. Just add a "silent" mp3 for about a few seconds or whatever into each of the other music folders, so the game will have something to play instead when the battle ends. I don't know many technical background details on this, but I can imagine the game only keeps playing the battle music outside of battle, because it can't find any tracks in the other folders. It's at least worth a try.
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