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So now DLCs are a Xbox 360 timed exclusive...


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I think this entire conversation is missing a critical detail: Exactly what are these first two pieces of DLC? If they're the Skyrim equivalent of horse armor then I think I can safely say I don't give a s***.


Doubt it, Todd's friend said they'd only release DLC's which are a cross between the so called "horse armour" and expansion packs.


Nothing like SI

Perhaps like KOTN, probably even less content.

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its quite resonable. the xboxers get earlier dlc, the pc gamers get modding. and skyrim will sell more to xboxers than pc gamers, so it makes sense. i play both but i wil get it on xbox i think.

that is really unfair. I mean really how can you compare DLC to modding, one is way better than the other.

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One thing ur forgetting is that where PC gets its majority of players is in Asia and not saying that they dont like WRPG but a lot would not have gotten Oblivion due to the fact that it plays more on the side of action game more than its RPG elements plus it wasnt a JRPG so u could say PC would have definitely won the who bought the most oblivions if more of Asia was interested. just saying
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Beth did 5 dlcs for fallout3, This time they will do 2 maybe 3 dlcs that will be bigger and feel more like expansions. Bigger dlcs mean that more bugs are likely to appear. So the 360 users will do the testing for us, and later when the dlcs find their way to the pc marked, the dlcs will be hopefully mostly bugfree.
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How many copies did you buy?.. Its true .. Todd Howard even says the number in an interview .. of which I can't recall :/ sorry .. But Oblivion sold far more copies on the 360 than the PC


Actually two, the regular first and the GOTY later. And how convenient that you can't recall the interview. Probably because it doesn't exist. Between boxed and digital sales the PC market for RPGs is easily as strong as the 360 one, if not stronger. Ever heard of steam?


One thing is pretty damn sure, if you think that the 360 version will outsell both the PC and the PS3 versions summed up, you live in lala land.


Bethesda is easily screwing up way more than half their playerbase.


ok.. I have no reason to lie to you .. it certainly doesn't help me to argue with some random PC gamer elitist .. I'm a PC gamer but the types like you give PC gamers a bad wrap .. "They owe us" attitude .. I see it with every game release and it gets old fast .. They don't owe you a thing .. They are selling you something and if you have a problem with there practices then don't buy the game .. I get tired of this same topic for ever game release Crysis2 was the last big annoying PC elitist gripe I had to listen to in the forums .. I'm not out to get you ok .. relax .. Its the truth .. PC sales are dwarfed by console sales every time for every game and Tod Howard did say it in an interview and people argued the same thing when he said it .. later to be backed up by a poll.. I'm looking for number now in fact but I don't have them and I'm not digging throuhg the hundreds of todd howard interviews Ive seen in my lifetime so get use to this cause I might not back up my statement .. it doesn't mean I'm lying


Dude got pwned. http://www.thenexusforums.com/public/style_emoticons/dark/armscrossed.gif

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its quite resonable. the xboxers get earlier dlc, the pc gamers get modding. and skyrim will sell more to xboxers than pc gamers, so it makes sense. i play both but i wil get it on xbox i think.

that is really unfair. I mean really how can you compare DLC to modding, one is way better than the other.

I agree that the comparison is unfair, but for different reasons: PC gamers get modding and DLC (albeit 30 days late), but console gamers get no modding and early DLC. In the end, console gamers are still at a disadvantage compared to PC gamers.


But, that brings me to my real point for this thread: why should I care? It's not like the DLC's will be true exclusives; we still get them for PC. If I can wait this long for Skyrim's release, I can wait one stinking month for DLC.

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