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Werewolf or Vampire?



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I put don't care because I am not busting to play as either. However, that said, I will probably run one vampire character, as I do now, especially if a good vampire mod comes to Skyrim. I won't be playing a shaggy old werewolf, thanks.
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I would always prefer Werewolf over vampire. Even though werewolves in Bloodmoon werent all that great. :ohdear:
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I voted werewolf, though either are fine. Twlight isn't what almost ruined them for me. What almost ruined them for me was Laurell K Hamilton's garbage. Ugh.


I thought Morrowind handled both very well. In Oblivion, it was pretty meh for me.


If you want to read a really good (and really messed up) vampire novel, look for 'This Symbiotic Fascination' by Charlee Jacob. A woman wants to become a vampire because of all the myths...and she discovers the reality is very different.

Edited by nyxalinth
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lol ironically i got turned on to vampires from the Cirque du Freake books. granted it got pretty wack at the end of the series, i just liked the different askew take on vampires.

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Vampire, depending on the type of lore.


I loved the Legacy of Kain vampires. No sun, no water, awesome evolutionary powers. ;)


However, if both is possible.... *kills all of Skyrim*


Speaking of which, what are the werewolves abilities as well? What will be their weaknesses and downsides?


And will we be able to infect others with our disease and create followers? It would be awesome to create my own clan of vampire/werewolf hybrids =)

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Being able to fly around would be awesome but drinking blood...you know the diseases people carry now???? lol


I always liked the idea of Werewolf, I love wolves anyways they are my favorite animal.....other than a turtle....Can we turn into a turtle? :thumbsup:

The sunlight penalty doesn't bother me, I like darkness but a werewolf, claws, and going around town and just going RAWR!!!! Vampire is more like a HISSSSSSS...I dunno how to spell that sound they would make but anyways....I would like a cape. But yea werewolf!

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Im gonna be a Wearmp Wolfpire


Big, hairy, turned into a wolf then sucks blood from bats. Generaly a confused mutant formed of an unlucky duffer who got bitten by a werewolf and a vampire simultaneously.

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