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Lonesome Road will affect part of the Mojave Wasteland


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"Lonesome Road will affect part of the Mojave Wasteland after completing the main quest"




at the 1:11mark in the Lonesome Road trailer you can see the Mojave location " Canyon Wreckage" with nuclear mushroom clouds in the horizon



Edited by Rimland
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From Jason Bergman's interview here:




" Also, there’s a decision in Lonesome Road that affects part of the Mojave wasteland when you’re done with the quest. That’s really fun to play with."

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"Lonesome Road will affect part of the Mojave Wasteland after completing the main quest"


i left the underline part out of the title as it would be too long, but yes, after LR is complete, "part of Mojave will be affected" whatever that means... i'm hoping for more locations !

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  • 2 weeks later...

"Lonesome Road will affect part of the Mojave Wasteland after completing the main quest"




under header " Notes "


the citation - #9 - well there is none ! So not very reliable, but whatever, still going to speculate this addresses that 1/3 of emptiness on the map... man that pisses me off, way more than Cazadores and invisible walls !


Speculating this will address the ever elusive Mojave Outpost key... because if that gate was inaccessible, wouldn't it read "inaccessible" rather than "requires key" ??? that's my theory and i'm sticking to it !


the link above also has screenshots of Bloodmen and Lizardmen - that's right !men who are lizards ! For Science ! But, will they breath fire like their gecko cousins?


I thought that road led to the Core Region and that's how they came to Mojave...

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