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Great Idea!.....


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Hi There! well this may have been said... or worked on im new to the forums so ive yet to read all the past posts but.....


The Snake in the Sand!!:

Prone position.


The Snake Slither!!:

Prone crawl.


The Roll um if ya got um!!:

"while in the sneak mode" triggered by a hotkey plus a direction. make the roll about 4-6 ft covered.


I AM MAX.!!!:

Perhaps the shoot dive? aka max payne hail marry dive while shooting



a reactive mod that interacts with the environment "run up to a low wall\wall etc hit a hot key and the player while in stealth mode leans onto the wall.


just some ideas....

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Simple - haha. This would not be simple. It would require whole new animations and HEAVY scripting.
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Not sure why youd want to roll, its not a very good tactic lol



is that why every major military on the planet uses the roll?


fool read a book.



Reading a work of fiction means nothing in this case kid. Before you assume you know anything about real life tactics you should go through basic training, youll see that the whole John Wu(sp) role thing is complete and utter BS.

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