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Dawn of War 2:Retribution Custom Army


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If none of you know, you can now add custom badges to your armies in Retribution (surprising as that is, some people actually don't know this). So i'm curious to see what other Retribution players (if any) armies look like.


Anyway without further adieu


Space Marines


The Brotherhood of Steel





Feel free to show off your custom army color scheme.

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i have dow 2 but dow 1 is miles better, Relic Entertainment has said they are not happy with dow 2 and after space marine has gone gold, ( i think it just has lol) They will be working hard on Dawn of war 3 i just hope it has the look of dow2, but i do love the char leveling and ramdom gear but bring back dow1 base building please Reilc, dow2 point capturing is boring as Hell and i hate guarding it................ afterwards. Edited by overload1977
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They're.. So shiny!


Lol, of course. They are an unusual chapter in that they have an excessive amount of turtle wax.


If I remember to get screenies of them I will put them up, but Winter did you hear what THQ was doing for DOW3? :D


I haven't really heard anything about DOW 3, and i doubt they're working on it since most of them were probably working on Space Marine. But there is a chance that after its release they might work on it. That or a new expansion for DOW 2. Cause they stated themselves that they haven't said anything about Retribution being the last expansion. Or they would probably work on both.


i have dow 2 but dow 1 is miles better, Relic Entertainment has said they are not happy with dow 2 and after space marine has gone gold, ( i think it just has lol) They will be working hard on Dawn of war 3 i just hope it has the look of dow2, but i do love the char leveling and ramdom gear but bring back dow1 base building please Reilc, dow2 point capturing is boring as Hell and i hate guarding it................ afterwards.


I was actually doubtful of this game at first and purchased it only after months after Chaos Rising was released. I myself am aware at how the whole tactical thing of COH just doesn't fit the DOW series. A match with the AI on this game will be spent more on trying to protect your capture points than killing your enemy. But its still a fun game, and i do like the fact that they scaled the units properly this time. Vehicles look as if they can actually fit soldiers inside instead of them having the size of an SUV or a sedan. Although they did once again screw up with the scaling when they introduced the IG. I mean, put them together and you will notice that a guardsman (or any IG infantry unit) is much larger than a Space Marine.


Well if they do start making DOW 3 i hope as well that they keep the look of DOW 2. And support large battles, like Rise of Legends. Cause battles in that game are huge yet still manageable. That's the kind of gameplay that i really want to see in the next DOW game. A full on battle instead of tactical skirmishes. DOW 1 can support it, but they still limited the amount of soldiers that you can deploy in a battle.


Anyway, back to this post's topic. I'll probably be posting an image of my Eldar color scheme soon if time permits.

Edited by Winterfall
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Guess you need a link then Winterfall :)







Also Space Marine is already gold, as it is due out on the 9/6/11 in the states.


As for another DOW2 expansion I doubt it as Retribution seems to be the last as the dev team couldn't tie the new game into Chaos Rising like they wanted because Microsoft got angry that they were dropping GFWLs so they forbid the use of the transfer of save data from Dow2 and Chaos Rising to Retribution. But if what their saying is right about DOW3 then its likely going to play more like an Armeggeon Match type from the Table top instead of the smaller Normal match type the table top has. Not to mention that Vigial is still working on the Warhammer 40k MMO, which will have driveable vehicles.

Edited by Gracinfields
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Guess you need a link then Winterfall :)







Also Space Marine is already gold, as it is due out on the 9/6/11 in the states.


As for another DOW2 expansion I doubt it as Retribution seems to be the last as the dev team couldn't tie the new game into Chaos Rising like they wanted because Microsoft got angry that they were dropping GFWLs so they forbid the use of the transfer of save data from Dow2 and Chaos Rising to Retribution. But if what their saying is right about DOW3 then its likely going to play more like an Armeggeon Match type from the Table top instead of the smaller Normal match type the table top has. Not to mention that Vigial is still working on the Warhammer 40k MMO, which will have driveable vehicles.


I'm not liking the whole MMO thing going on here. I hope it doesn't lead up to that. Cause MMO means lack of offline skirmish. I always prefer playing with bots when i can no longer stand cocky players.


Also, is that really the reason why the redid the voice acting in Retribution? That was a dick move (forgive the language) on Microsoft's part if that is indeed true. How can they even do that in the first place? Doesn't THQ own those assets since they own Relic and all. And THQ/Relic are merely using GFWL as a way to setup multiplayer (which it doesn't do a good job on). Its not like Microsoft funded the game's development. Sure they own the platform, but still.


If that issue with Microsoft never happened, i'm pretty sure Retribution would've turned out better. Cause it's quite obvious that the re-recording of the voices ate up valuable time in the development process.

Edited by Winterfall
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I didn't notice a difference in the voice of Martalis, Tarkus, or Cyrus. But yea Microsoft did say they couldn't transfer saves over from the other two games to Retribution. If this didn't happen then the Commander you played in the first two games should you have not fallen to chaos, or killed would have been the Blood Raven Captain in Retribution and the new fella would have been support. However, Should you have fallen to chaos it would have been like the Main person in the chaos campaign section. *edit add This is why a lot of games are Dropping GFWL as well due to the control Microsoft exerts over the market place and patching system. Not to mention the bad match making systems. *


As for the whole MMO thing I got a feeling that it will either play out like End of Nations which is coming soon, or they meaning persistance and a over all meta game like End War.

Edited by Gracinfields
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