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The New PC im going to play my Games on


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*Glances over at Intel rig with ATI card* :ermm:


I'm not sure which camp I'm in. I like how my rig performs, and this is coming from an AMD rig with a Nvidia card! Through my research, I found what I thought was the best performance per dollar spent. The 6970 and the i5 2500 rate pretty high.

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Intel revealed last week that their real high-end CPU's "Sandy Bridge-E" will be released somewhere between 7-20th november already. You might consider waiting until then, if not for buying the awesome CPU's, the old 2700-models will most likely drop in price. AMD's Bulldozer will also be released next month, so expect price-wars very soon!
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indeed good news.


TBH apart from the price drop on the current intels and AMDs. I wouldn't bother myself with either a Bulldozer or an sandy E, a 2500k is still never going to be taxed by games, possibly for years to come, and for half the price what can't an X4 955 do? :shrug: Ivy bridge I think is going to put the smack down next year, but if you're still getting 30fps, no point imo.

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Got a 560 Ti Hawk recently, I love the design of these cards and they have an awsome red led but, even though it can play everything I throw at it,

including call of pripyat on max settings 1680x1050 Resolution, I cant keep the damn thing from getting to 85-90 C under load in games like BFBC2 and Stalker

on Max. Its pretty damn loud to if it gets above 55 % fan speed. Played the BFBC3 Alpha without a flinch, and plays fallout NV on increased max settings without

going over 70C. I'm sure the 580 is a bit different but just a warning. If I knew how loud this card was going to be I would have stuck to my 295 for the time being,

but no DX11 was a killjoy.





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Crap! Those cables are PSU supply right? Is there anyway to tuck them better? Airflow might seem "okay" but... That's seriously messing with it. Turbulence is going to screw up airflow pretty bad.


I use an ultra psu. Not the best or whatever, but it's got modular cables. I can use only what I need and tuck everything nicely. I'd show a picture of my case but I need to clean it up... Little dusty at the moment lol.

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Crap! Those cables are PSU supply right? Is there anyway to tuck them better? Airflow might seem "okay" but... That's seriously messing with it. Turbulence is going to screw up airflow pretty bad.


I use an ultra psu. Not the best or whatever, but it's got modular cables. I can use only what I need and tuck everything nicely. I'd show a picture of my case but I need to clean it up... Little dusty at the moment lol.


The PSU is modular I just have no way to tuck in wires, and that small exhaust fan I added doesn't really do much either. I would love to tuck them in better but i'm in love with the XPS 630i case, I stripped out all the dell crap on the inside and put my own stuff in, the downside is I have no space to work in, and no raised backplate to hide them behind. : :facepalm:


I know the airflow is a big factor, but I played crysis on max settings with my 295 and the card hardly touched 75C. and it only had one fan, not to mention the insane rumors of frying eggs on the high end 200 series cards lol. Maybe my expectations are to high lol. I do need a case upgrade though.

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The PSU is modular I just have no way to tuck in wires, and that small exhaust fan I added doesn't really do much either. I would love to tuck them in better but i'm in love with the XPS 630i case, I stripped out all the dell crap on the inside and put my own stuff in, the downside is I have no space to work in, and no raised backplate to hide them behind. : :facepalm:


I know the airflow is a big factor, but I played crysis on max settings with my 295 and the card hardly touched 75C. and it only had one fan, not to mention the insane rumors of frying eggs on the high end 200 series cards lol. Maybe my expectations are to high lol. I do need a case upgrade though.

I went with a ATI card due to heat issues. It was a suggestion for a former friend.


In terms of cases. If you can spring for a full tower, and have the space. It's a good investment. More space will help with heat. Look for airflow not pretties(lights and such) as I call them lol http://www.coolermaster-usa.com/product.php?category_id=18&product_id=2988 My case. It wasn't what I would consider overly expensive. I think I paid around 100 or so for it. I can't recall the exact price, but it was around there. I personally liked the airflow and tool-less design. It's just my opinion in the end.


Water cooling is always a better option...Just have to pay closer attention and blah blah....Cost is a big issue with it as well, water blocks.


On topic; the setup seems okay. I really wish I could afford to upgrade my CPU and mobo, ram as well. *cries* I wanna upgrade to at least 12gb of ram... Wanna run a strong 3+ghz cpu too.

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I was thinking something like this maybe,



lol. I did a fan mod like that on mine already. There's a 120mm I placed on the from stacked over the 140mm HDD fan. That looks massive though. Mine is like 2 feet tall but that looks even bigger... 9 3.5 bays? Mine has 6 3.5 bays... That thing has got to be the biggest case I've ever seen.


Edit: What the... It's a mid tower? It's smaller then? But the 3 fans make it look massive! It's gotta be bigger then my full tower. To fit those 9 bays. I realize the fans come out to facilitate the extra bays but...

Edited by SHIROryuu
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I was thinking something like this maybe,



lol. I did a fan mod like that on mine already. There's a 120mm I placed on the from stacked over the 140mm HDD fan. That looks massive though. Mine is like 2 feet tall but that looks even bigger... 9 3.5 bays? Mine has 6 3.5 bays... That thing has got to be the biggest case I've ever seen.


Edit: What the... It's a mid tower? It's smaller then? But the 3 fans make it look massive! It's gotta be bigger then my full tower. To fit those 9 bays. I realize the fans come out to facilitate the extra bays but...


It's taller than my 630i but It doesn't seem that long


Well, its not that much taller actually, idk, its defiantly different then most cases lol

Edited by SilentlyWeeps
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