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Can somebody PLEASE explain to me why there's so much skimpy armor


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So my opinion is invalid because of my avatar? lol! That's a good one!

My statement still rings truth. Don't like those mods? Don't pay any attention to them, nobody is holding a gun to your head and forcing them into your game.


What was the goal of this thread anyway? Are you looking for sympathy or trying to campaign to get them removed or something? All I see is someone crying because they don't like something that's VERY popular. What ever your intention, it was doomed to fail the second you typed in the title of the thread. Sorry to be so blunt but that's the truth of it.

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So my opinion is invalid because of my avatar? lol! That's a good one!

My statement still rings truth. Don't like those mods? Don't pay any attention to them, nobody is holding a gun to your head and forcing them into your game.


What was the goal of this thread anyway? Are you looking for sympathy or trying to campaign to get them removed or something? All I see is someone crying because they don't like something that's VERY popular. What ever your intention, it was doomed to fail the second you typed in the title of the thread. Sorry to be so blunt but that's the truth of it.

All I was doing was ranting.

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Don't like those mods? Don't pay any attention to them, nobody is holding a gun to your head and forcing them into your game.


I believe the topic starter was saying how he/she can't stop paying attention to mods that are in the top mods section.

I slightly agree with him/her as I like to have gameplay mods and "epic" armor for men and women in the top, not things like bikinis and straps.

Then again, I can't understand why he/she posted this in NVNexus' thread, as NVNexus actually has the above mentioned things I like.

If anything this thread should be in TesNexus' forum.

After the front page is always filled mostly with his/her ranting subjects.

I can search for most endorsed clothing/armor and mostly find bikinis, lingerie, etc.

Edited by Unlimitedrevolver
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I'm creating a mod to where these "armors" could be lore friendly. If that counts for anything.

Explain yourself.


Though its just barely in the works, I'm making an ambitious mod that adds a remote futuristic city. I'm only concerned with the design aspect at the moment, but it will ultimately include a unique quest to go with it. I'm using resources from both Old World Blues and Mothership Zeta for glow mapping/neon designs, but many of the building models, interiors, etc. will be "futuristic" retextures of custom building resources I've been granted by other modders. I'm currently consulting with one other modder on the overall city design, but this mod will be pretty big. I want something out-of-this-world like Mothership Zeta but still stylish and believable, like something along the lines of Deus Ex. The story revolves around how Poseidon Energy and some scientists from the Big MT got together right before the bombs fell and created a protected resource of energy (probably nuclear, I don't know yet). As time went by, stuff happened and they were able to create their own "utopia of wonders", if you want to put it like that, using their energy resource. Still in the works.


I plan to post this "officially" in the Mod Talk or Mod Request area so I can see if any other modders would be interested in this project. I hope to complete it by around....say late October....so I can move onto Skyrim.


So to answer your question, I'm hoping that I can incorporate other people's works into this city to give it character and life. This includes all weapon/armor mods with futuristic designs...including skimpy neon armor. (Put them on a few female NPCs in a nightclub, for example)


Sorry for the essay. I just wanted to explain myself fully.

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Not this thread again...


Complaining about skimpy clothing mods in a single player RPG game...why does this bother you?

And some of us like to play dress-up with our Courier, anything wrong with that? Don't like them, don't download them, and move on. Just face the facts; it's a video game, the majority of players/modders are male between 14 and 40 years old, sexy clothing/armor is in high demand and will always be.

Your avatar is Kim Possible Yuri. I don't think I need to take your opinion on this into account.


I mean, this is an Action RPG, not a Hentai game.


Haha my thoughts exactly every time I see them. Whether its on the front page of the Nexus or on the courier in some random video tutorial/showcase, its just like...ugh. I get annoyed because I'm the type of guy that is very big on immersion. Being the hottest chick in the wasteland with neon blue glow map silky armor breaks that immersion. (Besides, walking through the wasteland like that, you might as well wear a big-sorry mods- "RAPE ME" sign)


But the designs for these armors are usually high quality, very impressive works. So I can't even complain half the time. That's my .02

I admit most are well designed, but they don't fit into the wasteland. I wouldn't mind if they had more Lore Friendly stuff, like some 40's-50's sexy dresses, then I wouldn't mind, I'd probably download that. However, when I see something that looks like something out of an 80's Porno, it's makes me cringe.

Damn hiz animez avatarz iz ruining my forumz immerzion cause it izn't lorz friendlez with my verzion ov teh internetz ;)


Just stop watching me play Fallout if you don't like my sexy characters, play your own version :P

Edited by ozziefire
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Because the most 3D artist only make shapes for the sake of making it.

It's less work to delete it rather than having to deal with the idiots & jerks.


Most of the time it takes 25-50 hours for a new model, give or take.

After that it might not be any good at all, an you delete it.


You don't get to play the game durring this time, an the testing afterwards.

Because testing & playing are different things, testing isn't fun.


While all you normal folks are making friends an having fun,

modders is working hard, an lets just say that makes you a little crazy.

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