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Campfire in the wilderness


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I wish to ask someone of you can make a little modify to this mod: http://www.tesnexus.com/downloads/file.php?id=13101


It's very good, but I like if the pc can also place some sleeping bag to the "fire wood" (read the description of the mod for more). It should be great to have the possibility to set a fire camp and sleep with my companions in the wilderness^^


If someone knows a mod that exist yet, please tell me.

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I wish to ask someone of you can make a little modify to this mod: http://www.tesnexus.com/downloads/file.php?id=13101


It's very good, but I like if the pc can also place some sleeping bag to the "fire wood" (read the description of the mod for more). It should be great to have the possibility to set a fire camp and sleep with my companions in the wilderness^^


If someone knows a mod that exist yet, please tell me.


Very much I can recommend you "Nerdus' Abenteurer Ausrüstung" .

As you already recognize the name, it is a german-language mod. But you can easily translate it by yourself with "Tecra's Mod Translator".


Here I have translated from original description what is included in this mod:


small portable tent, portable fire, portable bedding, portable bag.

light adventurer helmet, gloves, boots, pants, armor.

warm adventurer boots, warm adventurer helmet, warm adventurer gloves

simple adventurer shield, simple adventurer dagger (ignores normal weapon resistances)

magical adventurer shield

adventurer's dagger of the magical elements

deployable torches 'adventurer III'

torch set with 25 normal torches

torch-set of 25 torches '​​adventurer III'

portable medium sized tent

portable cooking

a peg to bind horses


I'm using this adventurer-mod for a very long time and I will never go hunting without it. Mainly because of the bedroll and the portable fire. 8)


Have fun... :)

Edited by Tobjoern
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