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[WIP] Beyond Boulder Dome


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Thanks, guys! If you could both email me a sample, at [email protected], that'd be great. I'd don't need specific dialogue for the samples, as I just need to get an idea of your voice and recording quality, so just say a few lines from Fallout, or something.





Hi, t1amat here. What kind of gear is needed to do voice-work? I'm a n00b, but I do like to pitch in when able.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Maybe in a toy's shop there could be a little broken eyebot (toy) flying from room to room. And scaring player by the simple fact of it's presense. And when you try to follow it - it fades (like G-Man in HL series).


And what do you think about hanged skeletons? Or maybe people hanged by raiders! On trees, roofs... Or even hanged NCR soldiers to show that the situation here is completely f*cked up.

Hey, hanging dolls from Pt. Lookout were quite scary, I guess, hanged people are also suitable.


And for propaganda, why not making a radio? A plain NCR or Brotherhood (maybe both) broadcast with propaganda and recent events.


*points up* This! Do all of this!

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This seriously looks DLC quality, guys. Hopefully it will have a great story and awesome voice acting (two things I felt Dog City was lacking (well, that and a lack of female characters))


Dog City was still better than Lonesome Road, by allot.


@rjhelms84 : Never be embarrased by it dude it was excellent work, if you had had more than just you doing voicework and a little more time with story it would have been more than good enough to call a DLC...hell like I said I think as is it's better than LR (LR wasn't anywhere near finished from the feel of it ...hell the sidestuff is more indepth than the main stuff....never did find those last four posters). Where as I had a great time wondering around in Dog City..hell LR was just as linear which would be most peoples complaint about Dog City other than the all one voice actor, as someone who grew up in a time when having anything other than 'beep' or 'boop', or at best a horrible noise that kinda sounded like a scream, was almost unthinkable until Ultima had a simple 'clip-clop' for your horse. I can tell you that the voices aren't so important compared to awesome writing and storytelling..though I'm sure it would never feel finished without it lol. Hell if my mic was better I'd send you some voice samples and offer my sevices for any voicework. 20 years of GM/DM ing pen and paper games with casts of hundreds of what you'd call 'named' NPCs (ones that actually recur and are more than some simple dialog like 'Pay the toll and keep moving.' That could instantly be recognized by the players by the voice I used says I've got skills there. *chuckles*

Edited by greenknightfury
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  • 2 weeks later...

gotta ask is this still being worked on and is their a timeline for release?



Yeah, this is still being worked on. No idea on the release date, to be honest, so I won't bother guessing. The level design is mostly complete, aside from a few interiors that need doing. At the moment, we're waiting on our writers to complete the side-quest dialogue and story, which will then need programming in. So yeah, I'd say the bulk of the mod is done, but it'll be a while yet before all the fine details are finished.

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