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[WIP] Beyond Boulder Dome


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WOW! This looks like a massive one! I love the haunting ghoul pod, looks creepy. Is there going to be an arena then like in the Mad Max film? You should do a version of Master Blaster.


Can't wait to see what comes of this anyway!

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Maybe in a toy's shop there could be a little broken eyebot (toy) flying from room to room. And scaring player by the simple fact of it's presense. And when you try to follow it - it fades (like G-Man in HL series).


And what do you think about hanged skeletons? Or maybe people hanged by raiders! On trees, roofs... Or even hanged NCR soldiers to show that the situation here is completely f*cked up.

Hey, hanging dolls from Pt. Lookout were quite scary, I guess, hanged people are also suitable.


And for propaganda, why not making a radio? A plain NCR or Brotherhood (maybe both) broadcast with propaganda and recent events.

Edited by Druid12
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  • 2 weeks later...

Now that's an extremely well-promising mod!

I'd like to ask if it's still possible to contribute one's creative skills for the effort? I can bring to the table mostly stuff in 2d graphics department - concept art, textures, posters. Besides, I can whip up ideas and texts for quests or background content (propaganda notes, journals, etc.), mostly mixing '50s style propaganda and B-movie/ Grindhouse pop-cultural legacy, all while adhering to the official Fallout canon. I've been also doing some voice over work in my time, and as soon as I get back the good microphone, I could send up a demo reel. As for now I'll just let some of my more characteristic works speak for themselves, hopefully presenting the type of dark humor I usually throw in:










I also took the liberty to make a very speedy matte paint over one of the Dead Factory's screenshots (attached below)


Best regards,


Dr. Gurgul

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DocGurgle -- Hey mate, thanks for the offer! I'd be happy to have you on the team. That's some very fine artwork. I like your style!


I'll get some descriptions together for posters and concept art you could make, and send you a PM.


Regarding texture work, if I gave you a bare mesh, would you be able to texture it? Do you know about UV maps, or would you require me to set them up first? (I don't mind either way, it's just good to know.) It would be handy to have another good texture artist, as I have a few modellers now that are very skilled in modelling, but not at textures.


Anyway, look forward to working with you.



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Heh...and here some guy posted not to long ago about there modding slowing down....XD. There seems to be plenty of modding activity around. (myself included) You have my moral support. I didn't start to realize the challenge and persistence modding took until I started working at it myself. :thumbsup:
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Hi to everyone on the team or interested in helping:


I'm looking for someone who can create custom magazine covers and custom book covers that I need as resources for a quest. If you are interested please PM me, thanks!


I am also looking for someone who could make a custom SnowGlobe. I'm guessing that's harder but if you want to help with this PM me, thanks!

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