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Height adjustment will be ruining the mechanics of death moves and interaction animations.


No it wont .. IK limits will lock limbs onto the proper target areas during animations.. This new Havok animation system is sure to have that and tons of features I don't even know about to keep everything looking smooth .. That was only an issue with older animation systems from 4+ years ago

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Height adjustment will be ruining the mechanics of death moves and interaction animations.


No it wont .. IK limits will lock limbs onto the proper target areas during animations.. This new Havok animation system is sure to have that and tons of features I don't even know about to keep everything looking smooth .. That was only an issue with older animation systems from 4+ years ago


If you look into the havok behaviour tools, in the ninja demo they talk about 2 character animation sets in a way communicating, when I first saw the death sequences and some other things in the various footages.. well that demo popped into my head right away.

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And the menus were in hidden cam videos from PAX .. they were pulled down though :/ .. Someone in the forum downloaded them I'm sure.



@ jedimembrain


Thanks for that vid...damn i wish i would have seen those other ones from PAX.

I downloaded the videos, so when I saw your posts I decided to make a thread so that people would actually easily see it. :) And for you two, naturally! Haha.




Sadly, I did not download the Dungeon Crawling PAX video from the same uploader of the first four. I wish I could see it.

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