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I guess i just respect my female characters too much to play "erotic dress up".

That's funny. I can say the same about myself. But additionally being female I don't feel any particular enjoyment in thongs and the stuff anyway.

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I like an attractive face rather than a hot body. But the default faces in this game are hideous, compared to the average person in RL


I don't care much for the sex mods, or for overtly sexy and openly erotic apparrel. But I do expect the people I interact with in a video game visually appealing, if not slightly attractive.


Besides, bare nudity is boring for me. I prefer an outfit that emphasizes the figure, yet leaves something to the imagination.


There is a quote I recall, but not completely remember, that says something along the lines of "Complete nudity is boring, a slight bit of clothing is required to make it erotic"

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"Porn"Mods in Oblivion are great, cant stop laughing at them :D


There is this one Mod where your Character can "equip" a Penis. Hilarious :D


For some Reason, some Pornmods require a lot of work before you can get a look at them. "You'll need this Body mod in this Version, OBSE in exactly this Version, this and that Mod and then you'll need to Download an Amount of Data as big as about two "real" Porn Movies." Never tried that, i'd rather look at real People having Sex. The Graphics look so real :D


I do enjoy seeing naked female Skin. I am a heterosexual Man, i wont kid you people with "Ohh, Pornography is sooooo pervertet!" Well, it is sometimes, but when the Actors dont "freak out" too much my Balls say otherwise for some Reason. :D


Thats that. I am a Man and attractive barely clothed Women are, well, attractive to me.


There is, however, something else. In my Opinion, the female Body is beautiful in a purely aestethic Sense.

Now, some of the "Armor" can be nice in this aestethic manner. If this Armor is a Work of Art in itself, encircling this "other Work of Art", its attractive.


Bare Skin *can* be nice, occasionally but if the Character is supposed to wear a full suit of Heavy Armor its mostly stupid.

Light Armor may expose some Parts. Not so much that a Woman dressed like this wont go out on the Streets.

Light Armor is or can be supposed to be as light a possible to give the Wearer as much Freedom as possible so he or she may dodge Attacks.


So Light Armor can have a nice Decolté. If you deliver Panties with it, the Woman may even wear a Miniskirt or Hotpants =)


But a Thong in Combination with a Bra that has to be glued to the Nipples so the tiny cloth patch wont slip a Micrometer is a little to much. Or to less...


Well, if you Roleplay a female Character who wants to get kinky with her Boyfriend, this "Armor" would probably turn him on :D

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There is this one Mod where your Character can "equip" a Penis. Hilarious :D

That'll be mine, yeah. :P


Just as you are a hetero male who likes female flesh, I am a hetero female who likes male flesh.


I don't consider my boners mod to be porn, I made it purely for the fun value. It entirely depends what people use it for that makes it porn. And considering how many people emailed me asking for me to repost it here, it's surprisingly popular.


I long since stopped bothering with general screenshot topics, other than male-specific ones, simply because I couldn't be bothered wading through the endless big-eyed barbies to find one hidden male pic.

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We are only humans... Because we call ourselves that. If that is true, then what are we really?


If its human to make mistakes, or do this or that because we're humans. Makes you think whats the real definition for humans.


I'd like to say, "I'm no human! I am me." over calling myself human because it wouldn't tie me with whatever ties with the label "human" (which in this case, neither positive or negative.)


So what does this have to do with this topic on nudity? Quite a lot, since the only posters are "humans" heh.

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There is this one Mod where your Character can "equip" a Penis. Hilarious :D

That'll be mine, yeah. :P


Just as you are a hetero male who likes female flesh, I am a hetero female who likes male flesh.


I don't consider my boners mod to be porn, I made it purely for the fun value. It entirely depends what people use it for that makes it porn. And considering how many people emailed me asking for me to repost it here, it's surprisingly popular.


I long since stopped bothering with general screenshot topics, other than male-specific ones, simply because I couldn't be bothered wading through the endless big-eyed barbies to find one hidden male pic.



Not to mention that EVERY SINGLE female looks generally the same anyways wearing next to nothing, or something transparent. Its long been old. The only female pictures that stand out to me now are the ones when they are actually properly dressed in REAL armor, or appriopriate clothing, those are rare enough!


I really wouldnt mind seeing more male characters in the screenshots myself too!


Again though, its the demographic that plays this game, aside from the occasional female gamer here and there.

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Actually, I know quite a lot of men in real life who put thought into what they wear - and no, they're not all gay either. While it is indeed true that many don't, not having a choice in the game is not fair. My boys are all tarts - they dress to turn heads! I like them that way! Therefore I ignore females and concentrate on modding for my boys.


In nature, it's often the male who is more colourful and impressive of stature. No reason why male humanoids can't have the same options. :)


Personally, I'd like to see the screenishot threads divided into male and female - that way I can view the thing I prefer to view. Men. ;)

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it's some imaginary boobies. some people like them some don't. does this really justify being the longest non-gameplay thread on the site?

plenty of mention of 16 - 20 yr old boys in the thread but having long ago been one of them, really, trust me they went back to their g-cup exnems about 80 posts ago. find a new toy guys.



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In nature, it's often the male who is more colourful and impressive of stature. No reason why male humanoids can't have the same options. :)




Good point. And come to think of it, until the industrial revolution, male clothing was every bit as "colorful" as female clothing, though I do think it had a different tone.

--Or maybe not. Codpieces just came to mind.

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