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Dark Souls


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I've been following Skyrim like a hound and haven't been paying as much attention to Dark Souls as I should have.

Today is the last day to preorder the CE of it and I'd like to know that they haven't radically changed to gameplay from Demon's Souls and what other content they've added. I've looked at the wiki and it really doesn't provide all to much depth on it.

Would anyone happen to know of a place where I can get some inside info on the game before I make my purchase?

Well, I've got it preordered. I'm still interested in any info that can be offered.

Edited by AltreU
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that wasnt the last day to order the CE, i just ordered it. lol


as far as i know, its going to be very similar to Demons Souls. same gameplay, same feel, same looks, etc. new monster, new levels, even harder, etc


the coop system is going to be different, something to do with a flame lol, when i was really paying attention to it, it was a very new concept so not much was known, ive since stopped following cause its coming out very shortly.


but yea, expect Demons Souls in a new wrapper. im very very excited for the game.


oh and i heard that you can be invaded by 3 BPs at once! but they cant grass or something idk.


go here for all the lastest info and chatter:


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that wasnt the last day to order the CE, i just ordered it. lol


Oh thank goodness you said that. I was planning on pre-ordering to get the CE tomorrow, and when I saw AltreU's post I had a mini freak out.


Anyways, I'm psyched to play the game, it looks amazing and I'm glad it's coming to the 360.

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hmm. idk...where did u preorder from?



and yea honestly if i dont get it, i wont die. im getting the game reguardless, and its not like im paying any more for the CE or the regular version. so whatever,

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i am a master as Demons Souls. loved that game


funny story. a friendhad told me about it before it came out. we both got it. it took me a while to start it, i think i was finishing up another game, but when i finally got around to it (talking maybe a week later) he had already beat the first lvl. it took me forever to beat it. i think i even took a couple days break. i was getting so mad. i HATED the game. my friends like dude. just keep trying. it feels great when you beat that first boss. well i finally did beat it and it felt GREAT!!! then i was trying the get to the second boss and i couldnt. i kept dieing and as you die the game gets hard and i gave up! at this point my friend was also taking a break, he went on to another game after beating the first lvl.....some time later i went back to the game, and i ended up beating it. since then ive prolly beaten the game 50 sometimes times easy. built most of the popular builds in the game, built a lot of random fun ones. gotten to like NG+10 or something, cooped, pvp, done just about everything there is to do in the game. memorized it, knew everything about it. and was a VERY active part of the Demons Souls forum and to a lesser extent the wiki (i provided some info on a bunch of the pages)....if you ever go on the forums i was hoof_hearted4 there as well. think i had the 5th most posts (prolly dropped now since ive left...due to a lot of reasons) but it wasnt like this site where ppl had 590534890 posts. i had like 1200 which was a lot (the person with the most had like 2500....i am still good friends with him, he left the site as well) but i was a very active part of that community too......but ya, my friend never went back and played, still only has that one lvl beat lol and i ended up loving it.



tl;dr: i loved Demons Souls. my favorite and most mastered game of all time and am very excited to play Dark Souls. Demons Souls has sucked up more time from my life then any other game, and thats not counting time on the forums/wiki


i will try to beat it solo for the first play through, but after which, Thor if you wanna coop if you get it, drop me a message. i got a bunch of friends from Demons Souls that ill be playing with eventually too, never hurts to have one more



also on a Demons Souls note, i believe they will be shutting down the servers shortly after DkS (Dark Souls) release. they were supposed to be shut down many times now, but it was very popular, which i dont think they expected, so they kept the servers up for like over a year and a half past the original date. i know Oct is DS (Demons Souls) birthday, so i wouldnt be surprised to see it close in Oct, or the last day of this year or something.

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Other than Skyrim, this is the only other game in the near future I am exited about. From Software had a big winner with Demon's Souls and I'm glad they continued the franchise.


Coop play in Demon's Souls took a whole lot away from the challenge in the game. If you are a new player, and you summon someone to beat a hard boss for you then you never learn how to play the game properly. They should have made the enemies scale up or something for every extra player you coop with.

Edited by crimsonblade1
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i agree about the scale up.


however cooping with other enw players didnt make diddly squat easier. only if you dided, it was easier to get to ur blood stain lol.


i plan on beating the game solo then playing coop. and whenever i get summoned i nvr just power through the lvl i stay with the player going at his pace. sometimes its slow cause hes new or a looter, or sometimes its his thousandth time on that lvl to and we both just power through it.


i summon a lot of the time just to get other ppl souls, or their body back. or for a little extra protection at low lvls from griefers.

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