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Discussing the events of September 11th


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Hello everyone.


With the 10th anniversary of September 11th approaching, I thought it might be a good idea to create a thread for all, no matter where you are from, to discuss the events of that day and how you feel. I myself remember it as clearly as if it were this morning. I did not know anyone who perished that day, but nevertheless as an American, as a human being, I was saddened by the loss of life and touched by the heroism of everyday people demonstrating extraordinary courage. I invite all of you to share whatever is on your mind about that day.


I realize it is a sensitive topic, and unnecessary contention and "flaming" will certainly not contribute to a healthy discussion. Please remember the three strikes rule when you post. I say this only as a member of the Nexus community, and hopefully we will all benefit from an honest and civil exchange.

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I was at work...... when the folks in the other office started talking about a plane hitting a building..... we ALL went to check it out. Watched on live TV as the second plane hit the other building...... Basically sat an watched the news all day that day at work...... we set the phones to roll over to voicemail.... Not a good day for the US.....
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I remember where I was clearly even 10 years later, I was at my computer when my dad called me saying the WTC just got hit by a plane and I should really go upstairs and look at the news. I went up and my dad and one of our neighbors were in the room and we were watching the live news footage, just sitting there wondering what happened when the first tower fell.....at first I thought just the top few floors had collapsed, but as the dust cloud moved lower and there was nothing above it I realized the whole thing was gone. Really wasn't anything else to do at the time but pray, and I remember just feeling numb inside when we heard about all the Firefighters who had died when the towers collapsed, and all the people who were trapped inside that they were trying to get to. Then they showed coverage of the Pentagon and the plane that crashed in a field, the whole day was just unreal after all that.
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I had a meeting in Tower One that was scheduled for 9am that morning which was canceled the night beforehand, so I had the good fortune of watching it on TV instead of in person.


Wow. I'll bet it's safe to say you've appreciated every day of your life just a little bit more since then. I'm not someone who believes in fate, because that would suggest that those who perished were destined to do so; I believe that we make our own destiny and are shaped by the events around us. Something like that would certainly shape my life, at least for me, for the better. I would realize how fragile we all are and that life is truly a gift.

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I was in the middle of training at fort knox when it happened. Thought it was a drill at first,when i saw the footage on TV i couldn't beleive it.. and i was there early enough to catch the 2nd plane hit . Watching something like that makes the brain go"This isn't real..but it is real... but it can't be real...but it is"
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I was in the middle of training at fort knox when it happened. Thought it was a drill at first,when i saw the footage on TV i couldn't beleive it.. and i was there early enough to catch the 2nd plane hit . Watching something like that makes the brain go"This isn't real..but it is real... but it can't be real...but it is"


I seriously never realized actual military training went on at Fort Knox, and that it was active in any way other then where we keep our gold. Have you really been to to all the places in your signature? Good for you. My Valley Girl butt has only been to Mexico. You have my respect as someone who has served our country. Thank you.


"It's not about how many you kill, but how many you save"


True that.

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I was at work here in the UK and my mother rang me to say that a plane had been flown into one of the towers of the WTC. I thought she was talking about a little Cessna or something, so I put BBC News on the internet, and just as I was hearing to my horror that it was a fully loaded passenger jumbo jet that hit tower one, the second plane hit tower two. My team of four ladies and I sat dry mouthed and hearts pounding, we got no work done, it was just like we were in suspended animation because we could not believe what we were seeing and hearing. When we realized that those poor souls were jumping from the towers, that was when we all started to cry. Then the towers collapsing. Dear God.


Then the news came in about the Pentagon and the plane that crashed in the field after those heroes that fought back.


(Not starting a religious debate btw, just stating what happened)I recited many Hail Mary's that day, and lit a candle for the departed. It was all I could do, apart from posting a message of condolence on the website of the US Embassy. Later that evening, I called at the local fish and chip shop and it was still all playing on the TV, everyone was transfixed.

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Hello everyone.


With the 10th anniversary of September 11th approaching, I thought it might be a good idea to create a thread for all, no matter where you are from, to discuss the events of that day and how you feel. I myself remember it as clearly as if it were this morning. I did not know anyone who perished that day, but nevertheless as an American, as a human being, I was saddened by the loss of life and touched by the heroism of everyday people demonstrating extraordinary courage. I invite all of you to share whatever is on your mind about that day.


I realize it is a sensitive topic, and unnecessary contention and "flaming" will certainly not contribute to a healthy discussion. Please remember the three strikes rule when you post. I say this only as a member of the Nexus community, and hopefully we will all benefit from an honest and civil exchange.


I am not flaming but why does no one ever make threads like these about September 11th, 1973? :confused:, which is often called the first September 11th? More people suffered that day and for years afterwards. And I ask this as a NYCer who knew people who died.

Edited by Stardusk
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I am not flaming but why does no one ever make threads like these about September 11th, 1973? :confused:, which is often called the first September 11th? More people suffered that day and for years afterwards. And I ask this as a NYCer who knew people who died.


I'd guess it's probably because many of us who actively post on internet forums weren't around in 1973 and there was no internet back then for people to make posts about it at the time, but there's nothing stopping anyone from starting a thread dedicated to the Chilean 9/11 now. If you feel that strongly about it why not be the one to do it? I'm sure some people would appreciate it.

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