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Steam question.


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I was trying out Space Marine this afternoon, online, and a particular player was howling insults to everyone in earshot at the top of his lungs and specificaly started targeting me. After he realised I wasnt listening to him, he started sending me (extremely foul mouthed) and abusive mesages in text format for a good hour, Im sick of it, it's harrassment, and I don't play online to get called a :hurr: by a child not yet out of primary school, let alone 58 times in one day. Is there any way I can report this? the guy wasn't even playing, just standing in the room screaming extremely vile insults. Edited by Vindekarr
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Well, at least in TF2, there's an option to block individual people when they are using the mic, not sure if that function is available in other games.


Over chat in the game or in the Steam chat? Steam chat has a block function, right click on their name and hit "Block" or something like that. In game...I'm not sure...unless the particular server has a function to block chat.


If you remember his username, I guess you could contact support and say he's harassing people. I'm not totally sure if you can do that though.

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Thanks guys, I've blocked him now, didn't get a screencap, but I've passed the word out to friends and clanmates, and he won't be welcome on any of our servers again. On the bright side, atleast I eventualy got some revenge: just before I logged off the scorecard read:


SSGT Sassafras(ME) 19 kills 2 death 3 assists


<annoying git> 1 kill 4 deaths 0 assists


Hehehehahahaha, I let my LasGun do the talking, it proved eloquent.

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Not sure if Valve would be able to do anything. They're not in charge of the servers for that game afaik.


It's one of the main reasons I'm not too fond of playing games online.


That's easy Haloror, find a good server. I only play on servers I trust, no matter which game :thumbsup:

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