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Will the game be on the Disc?


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Ive only seen valve do this with their games not other companies .. I HIGHLY doubt they would try something like this .. Plus they already said it would fit on one disk .. why would they say that then release just a code on the disk for download? lol.. that would be such a dirty trick.
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.. Plus they already said it would fit on one disk .. why would they say that then release just a code on the disk for download? lol.. that would be such a dirty trick.

Xbox purposes.


If they do end up filling the majority of the 9GB available for the xbox version, how do you suppose that high res textures for the PC version will fit on there. :unsure:

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I don't think the textures will be so high res they wont fit on the disk .. I expect the same res we got with fallout 3 .. which was acceptable for me .. Though as soon as the fan mods for even higher res texture came out I used them .. even if they wernt as well made as bethesda's .. higher res =/= higher quality .. Bethedsa took there time to shade and tone everything so it fit the world .. where as the texture replacments the fans made were really messy looking .. but most of them were ok so I still used it .. Quarl's Oblivion texture replacments were better in almost every way though... this is getting off topic <_<
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Besides the voice files, the textures take up the most disk space. But yeah I don't think they will fill what ever it is max space on an xbox DVD once everything is packed into BSAs and what have you. But if they do double res on the pc, it is 4xs larger. So if the textures take a gig, then it is 4x larger. Edited by Ghogiel
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All I can say is that with Steam, I truly doubt the intentions of Bethesda and their disks.


The fact that they want me to go out, buy a disk, and have INTERNET to install? I keep my gaming computer separate from the internet, I live in the countryside, Hugh's Net is terrible, and I truly believe that Steam is overkill for a game that is SINGLE PLAYER.


No Steam for Skyrim

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I'd sign but there is no point, it's a Steam game, the battle has been lost, I have not bought any Steam game. However over the years the majority rule has voted with their wallets and publishers are all flocking to these services and it is now 100% completely done. Time to accept the game has changed. I either fold and not play any games or I fold and play the hand that is dealt.


tbh I don't really mind a simple online authentication code to a sever type DRM to be that bad, but Steamworks is bundled with Steam and it is a whole lot of ass as far as I am concerned.

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No point? Say if we get a million people signed, Bethesda will have to look at that and wonder how much money will be lost. Even 100,000 people will do the trick.


I either fold and not play any games or I fold and play the hand that is dealt.


Words I never lived by. There is the hidden choice. It is like flipping a coin. Heads or tails, heads or tails. Suppose, however, you flip it enough times. Suppose, one day, it lands on its edge.


The battle has not been lost. If enough people stand with me, stand with us, we can, we will show Bethesda that Steam is a horrendous decision and it will have consequences. And I am not just talking about us not buying it.

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Agree with Saadus, I already signed with my three emails.I really hope it works and that bethesda make a non-steam version of skyrim.About the game not being on the disk some people say new vegas was not and had to download the game even though you have the disk well I´m pretty sure mine installed from the disk, the only download I got after the instalation was the update wich took seconds.
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Steam is horrible. It has this stupid "Screenshot manager" always running in the background (whenever I turn off/restart it still says I have programs running - Steam screenshot manager) I have it because I have Civ 5, but really, it's just an annoyance. It's also the reason I bought Fo3 for Pc instead of New Vegas. If I want to buy a game, I'm not going to download it off some internet thing, I'm going to go to Gamestop or Walmart and I'm going to buy it!
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