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Realistic Leveling Vs. Weidergaenger Race


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My console read out continually displays the following message:


"Large ability drain detected, postponing attribute recalculation." - or something to that effect.


[EDIT]After some testing, I believe I've discovered the issue.. the Weidergaenger's weakness to fire (-75) seems to be calculated as a drain ability. Since this is actually a racial ability, it will forever prevent me from advancing in level. I had orginially thought it was the race's zero personality attribute, but after modifying that several times without change, I instead looked at the fire weakness. Changing the race to something else immediately gets rid of the bug my stats are calculated normally... change back to a Weidergaenger, and the bug comes back.


So, does anyone know of a workaround for this? I haven't seen one in either mod's readme. :confused:

Edited by nrot
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That needs to be taken up with the author of Realistic Levelling. That's a pretty serious bug considering High Elves suffer similar weaknesses.
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That needs to be taken up with the author of Realistic Levelling. That's a pretty serious bug considering High Elves suffer similar weaknesses.


I've reported it to the author, but I don't think it affects high elves, as I checked that myself. I believe there is probably a threshold for weaknesses before RL refuses to do its thing, and its higher than 25.

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