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is it legal to use the morrowind music in oblivion as a mod?


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basically, all i want ot know is wether making a mod for oblivion with the morrowind music on is legal. i do own a copy of morrowind so does that make it okay?


thanks for reading, arrenmog.

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I'm pretty sure that it is illegal to give the content of morrowind to someone who may not have it. The person who downloads your oblivion mod could have morrowind, but theres no way to make sure, so its distributing content from one game to people who may not have that game and thats illegal. I was sure about this up until I read darkones post, now i'm not certain.
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That'd be easy- it would literally be something like this:


cp c:/Progra~1/Bethes~1/Morrow~1/Data/ F~1/Music c:/Progra~1/Bethes~1/Oblivion/Data/Music


or something like that- I can't remember if the windows pathetic excuse for a console has support for more than 8 letter file names, and I'm not sure of the exact file path you'll want. Anyway, all you'd need to do is type that into a text file, rename it from .txt to .bat, and say in the readme to run it if you have Morrowind.

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Thanks for the replys, i don't usually get any.


when i rename the .txt to .bat it turns to a MS DOS Batch file, is it suposed to? as when i load up oblivion the music hasn't changed, i have tried editing the script slightly but i know nothing about scripting so it still doesn't work.

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Yeah, a .bat file is a MS-DOS batch file- so called because it can perform a batch of commands all at once. The exact folder you need to copy it into depends on when you want it to play- for example if you want it to play while exploring, you'll need to copy it to data/music/explore. Have a look in the Oblivion music folder- it's pretty self-explanatory. If you've ever used DOS, or the Windows 'console' (which is just a DOS emulator that can't run DOS programs properly), then you'll know the commands you need to use- it's just the same as commands you type at the prompt, only it executes it all at once.

It may need a bit of experimenting to get it to work- I may be getting the copy command mixed up with the bash (Linux) one, you might not need to put a forward slash before spaces in file names (again, might be getting it mixed up with Linux), and it may not shorten file/folder names to 8 letters (if they're longer, it takes the first 6 letters, then adds ~# to the end- if there are several starting the same, then it'll do ~1, ~2, etc. I'm not sure how it decides what order to number them in though, sorry.).


If you're not sure what it might call a folder, go to start -> run and type 'command'. Then you just type 'cd' and the folder you want to switch to, then type 'dir' to see all the files and folders in that directory. If there are too many to fit on the screen at once, you can type 'dir -p'.


Sorry if I've confused you, I tried to put in everything you might not know, and it turned out to be quite a lot :P . I'd try and make it for you, but I don't have Windows at the moment, sorry :happy: .

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i've been trying an awful lot to get this to work but i just can't so unless you've got any extra tips or ideas, i give up.


if anyone knows anything about scripting then you can make it and take all the credit. if you do, please upload it so i can download it.


obviously i would rather i made it myself, but if your all out of ideas on how to get it to work, i can't get it to work. like i said earlier, i dont know hardly anything about scipting.


i will google 'copying scripts' or something like that to see if i can find anything on it but if i can't i will give up.


thanks for all your help.

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Wait a second, YOU can do it legally for yourself if you want. Its the distribution that's illegal, so if you're waiting for someone else to make it so you can have the music, you can already.
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