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HDR, Bloom or No Lighting Effect



239 members have voted

  1. 1. HDR, Bloom or No Lighting Effect

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I used to play with HDR all the time, but lately have been switching back and forth with "no lighting effect" and am kinda torn between the two. Haven't played much with bloom - tried it ages ago and thought it looked kinda funky (like, bad funky.... and not bad meaning good).


The subdued look of NLE works great for a lot of things, for example it really tones down the glare and makes my personal lucky 38 suite mod look waay better. And I have a few DL'd housing mods that look a lot better with it too. But it also seems it takes away a lot of glowing goodness too, for example the glowing side louvres on a laser rifle with focus optics, Nuka Victory/ Quartz, and even some of the glowing accents on CaBal120's awesome bornagain T51B retext.


If you waffle like me, vote for more than one choice.


(HDR is the default, btw, so if you've never changed the lighting that's what you have.)

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Ok, I think I've settled on NLE notwithstanding losing some of the glowy goodness. As GrindedStone mentioned, whites are downright overbearing in HDR - I put a clean Sasparilla poster in my 38 suite (Get More Mass with Sass or however that goes) and it's almost painful to look at. NLE, on the other hand, makes my lighting in the suite look like it was actually done by someone who knew what they were doing. Overall, even in exteriors and especially on the strip, the HDR look compared to NLE seems just a tad overdone. (Personal taste alert.) Dam, gonna really miss those glowy fibre optics side louvre thingies on my fave laser rifle, (Scarab LR by Ruadhan2300)... though it'll still be lighting up Cazadores as usual. :wink: And Bond123's and Clinster74's fine mods will look as intended.
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Bloom makes the sky overly bright, so it's not recommend, as it says in geforce's new vegas tweak guide (google it if you want). NLE makes the wasteland without all the glowiness, and that's not a problem for me. I voted for both, NLE and HDR, but HDR really can ripoff FPS in case the rig is not powerful enough (not your case, it seems). But I'm kinda struggling for some performance, as there are parts of the game that I get below 25 fps, not that common though. So I think NLE is the way to go for me.
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  • 3 years later...

Recently had the longest run on New Vegas using the Nexus Mod manager and 20+ mods with nearly four hours of play WITHOUT crashing, Using the Bloom effect setting. Been using HDR for years because it appears to be a balanced medium of quality and performance. Will have to consider NLE for comparable measure.

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  • 3 years later...

2019 up in here, no earthly reason I should be commenting on a thread this old-- google here is telling me it's been 2,691 days since this thread was started or approximately just over 7 years, but here I am...


I am such a normie, I don't have much of an idea what the difference between any of the settings is so I've always stuck with the default HDR on. Though I believe I always have bloom on with Oblivion? I guess it just blows out all the bright colors and honestly that just seems more sensible in a fantasy setting.

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