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Seldome Used Weapons


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Have you been playing the game long enough to experiment with different weapons . . .


Most of the Heavy weapons are too cumbersome for me, but make great additions to my companions


however, just started learning the joys of a grenade launcher ---- from a vantage point, raining destruction . . . shooting over a fence . . . or just calling attention to the day's events --- not to mention once noticing a group of Fiends approaching a door in the underground . . . just pelted that (open) door with 40mm grenades


Heck -- some super encounters are quite a lot of fun with explosives.



So . . . what interesting uses for new weapons have you come up with lately . . .

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Im not big on the over powering weapons so most of the heavys i tend not to use just put in my suite for collection pieces. I do however like to play around with the throwing spears, used one on benny on one character to take his head off and then in the same throw pin it to the door in the presidential suite. As I dont use a crosshair it was a rather tricky shot to make.
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Grenades or dynamite make a great support weapon for "shooting around corners". You can toss a grenade down a hall or into a room, and even ricochet it off a wall, and it can serve to injure/kill enemies or at least pull them out into your kill zone ... often give you a more advantageous position than if you'd walked forward. Just be sure to switch to your gun after tossing that grenade. Launchers give you more range ... the range of throwing grenades IMHO is way too short, they are so slow in flight they usually explode and injure the thrower, which is just ridiculous.


Assault weaons and miniguns are very useful against crowds since the change to 5mm ammo, though they burn through ammo. Again, a support type weapon for special tactics.


Mines, explosive charges and C-4 are awesome for special tactics if you have the stealth skill to back it up. Plant that at a choke point and pull the enemy. The detonator activated items are better, you won't waste the charge if only one guy comes.

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Does it count that I intend to mod some Boxing Gloves so they actualy do damage just so I can my roaming boxer character running around?


The gloves do strike me as something very seldom used.

develop a ranged weapon too -- if only for taking down death claws

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Does it count that I intend to mod some Boxing Gloves so they actualy do damage just so I can my roaming boxer character running around?


The gloves do strike me as something very seldom used.


Fallout 2 had a special pair of boxing gloves with steel inside so they would do a lot more damage than normal gloves.


I've personally also become a big fan of boxing tape while experimenting with companion weapons I setup a companion with unarmed skill and tried both boxing gloves and boxing tape: he was knocking stuff out cold, not to mention the tape does good damage as well. Also, the boxing tape and gloves are very fast weapons, unlike power fist which are quite slow, so with unarmed skill you can put an enemy on his heels, where the power fist is often the opposite because its so slow the wielder often gets hit once or twice before landing any blows.


So yes, steel plated boxing gloves that knockout enemies but also do good damage would be cool imo.

Edited by drakeelvin
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Just yesterday I killed Vulpes Inculta and his host with just two frag grenades and 2 shots of my cowboy repeater I found near the cannon wreckage.


On that note I love Incinerators, they're my personal mortar weapon, with it's reach and power I rain hellfire on my enemies from a distance, it's a great alternative to sniping them.

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