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Seldome Used Weapons


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grenade launcher or rifle is severely under-rated...so i thought until i have like 100 40mms to use... and so i've found a new weapon that i like ! :thumbsup:


getting tired of the good old grenade... pull out weapon.. or lay minds... run forward, run away to draw enemies... mines blow up... pull out weapon to finish em off... and if you're like me... i'm sure you find a heck of a lot of grenades and mines !!!!


so if you've done that a bazillion times... just use one of those two grenade weapons...


i have a mod which i don't know what one it is... might be the one that has the Nuka Launcher and a Nuka Cola Factory/Vault... 40mm Nuka Grenades are pretty wicked !!! it's a nuka grenade you shoot !!!! you know, the Nuka Grenade from F03... but 40mm!!!

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I ditch the 9mm pistol and SMG pretty early in one once I get my hands one some 10mm versions.

Don't bother much with any other revolvers once I get That Gun.

Usually I take plasma weapons over laser ones except for last time when I got all the laser rifle mods. Sniping with a scoped laser rifle was pretty fun.

The only place I use a Flamer is in Vault 22, the close quarters make the Incinerator too much of a liability.

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As a matter of fact I think that using whatever an enemy may drop in the middle of a fight can be a fun way to add more variety to the fights.


You know that could be a pretty fun way to play the game! I may try that.


Lots of modern shooters have the annoying 2 weapon limit, so you have no choice but to use whatever weapons happen to be lying around or dropped by enemies. In Fallout New Vegas you can carry tons of weapons... but fact is that chances are you'll use 3 or 4 favourite weapons 90% of the time, and carry around a load more that you'll hardly ever use. So a better way might be to keep your favourites but drop the non-favourites and constantly replace them with whatever you happen to find.


Of course throwing away a weapon that you bought weapon mods for would be quite a waste. So I guess for this playstyle you should only buy weapon mods for you favourite weapons.


Might be interesting to make repairing weapons very hard and expensive, so you'll actually end up using your weapons until become very prone to jamming or even break. Only your absolute favourite weapons (that you bother to upgrade with weapon mods) would be worth repairing.

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Armour Penetrating .50 BMG, never truly had a use for it. C4 is something I love to use to lure masses of fiends to their deaths.


As Minngarm says, pineapples and my trusty no-scoped SVD, it works with watch-like precision

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Im debating removing some of my weapon mods, I have Classic fallout weapons, Project Nevada, and CaliberX Thinking of dropping classic or caliber to reduce the weapon variety. But not sure if ill still get the modified ammo damages, like how my varmint rifle, can drop medium or light armored guys fairly easy. And a 7.62 hunting rifle can one shot me in the head without a critical.
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  • 1 month later...
  • 4 months later...

Here's a good one... Anti-Material Rifle firing .50 MG Explosive shells from GRA. They're like mini-grenades except the shots go 'straight'. Shoot one into a group of fiends and they fly in all directions. :D (Incendiery, on the other hand, aren't that good)


Don't forget "Mercy" or grenade machine guns. Regular grenade launchers (i.e. Thumper) don't shoot far enough or fast enough.


What else? Hmmm... Kills with throwing weapons. Makes you feel like a ninja esp. when wearing the stealth suit. :)

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  • 3 weeks later...

As much as I love guns, explosives and even melee to an extent, I never really appreciated energy weapons.

I don't think they fit post-apocalypse and break the immersion for me except when used by the brotherhood; I wish there was a mod that removed energy weps for everyone except them and robots.


I'm a shotgun addict btw.

Every game I start, I play up to lvl 5 with Single Shottie, then Caravan shottie till 15ish then Hunting Shotgun forever.

When I get bored a bit I play sniper, grenadier, pistoleer...

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grenade launcher or rifle is severely under-rated...so i thought until i have like 100 40mms to use... and so i've found a new weapon that i like ! :thumbsup:


getting tired of the good old grenade... pull out weapon.. or lay minds... run forward, run away to draw enemies... mines blow up... pull out weapon to finish em off... and if you're like me... i'm sure you find a heck of a lot of grenades and mines !!!!


so if you've done that a bazillion times... just use one of those two grenade weapons...


i have a mod which i don't know what one it is... might be the one that has the Nuka Launcher and a Nuka Cola Factory/Vault... 40mm Nuka Grenades are pretty wicked !!! it's a nuka grenade you shoot !!!! you know, the Nuka Grenade from F03... but 40mm!!!


If you like that, try my mod CASE for 40mm: Plasma grenades, Mines, Cluster grenades, Impulse rounds, remote detonated rounds, EMP rounds, 40mm buckshot, 40mm flechettes. Run out of 40mm ammo? Rechamber the grenade launcher for 25mm with my other mod Craft Pack!


Falconian: Most of those rounds come in 12 and 20ga too! :)


Craft pack now has recipes for throwing weapons. And geckos... And liquid nitrogen.

Edited by Cyberlazy
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