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Is it worth playing new Vegas ?


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I played the original fallout 1 and fallout 2 which were totally awesome in my opinion. The thing that interested me in NV was the information the original makers of fallout series were making.

Fallout 2 also had a opened world to explore with no time limit. I didn't like the time limit idea in fallout 1.

Does it really feels like original fallout rather then "oblivion with guns'.

I presume New Vegas resemble little of new Reno somehow.


So is the story dumb like in oblivion ( it had dumb story, the only thing that kept oblivion going were the mods in my opinion and the only reason I am playing it ) or interesting like in fallout 2 and fallout 1.


Thanks for fast reply. :wallbash:


Who's the CEO of Obsidian? Feargus Urquhart, worked with developing Fallout 1 and 2. Chris Avellone worked on Fallout 2, Van Buren (the game that was supposed to be the sequel to Fallout 2) and New Vegas. Josh Sawyer worked on Van Buren and was the lead designer on New Vegas. None of these people worked on Bethesda's Oblivion with guns Fallout 3, so it's safe to say that New Vegas is the game that follows the intentions of the original creators. It feels closer to the original games both in story and general atmosphere.


The story is great, if somewhat shorter than the one in Oblivion with guns Fallout 3 but you have four major endings so it offers a great deal of replayability.

Ignore the haters* who pay attention to reviewers and claim that anyone who prefers NV fails at life and has no friends.





Fallout New Vegas is ace, Oblivion with guns Fallout 3 is not bad but worse than New Vegas. 8)










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Oblivion is one the best game ever.....


If you've actually looked at vanilla Oblivion by itself it's really just a mediocre rpg. The reason it has so many fans and has lasted for a long time is because of an enormous modding community. With the help of mods, Oblivion has been pretty fun for me.


If you like Fallout 1, Fallout 2, all the weird spin-offs, Fallout 3, Fallout plush toys and gummybears, you'll probably enjoy FONV.

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Everyone is going to have a different opinion on which is better, but I really do feel like Fallout 3 Was better for some reason. I am not saying that New Vegas is bad, but it seems to lack some of the Fallout feel from its predecessors. It feels more like an expansion pack of the first, more than it feels like a standalone game. I always wondered what it would be like to be able to add some of the features of New Vegas into Fallout 3…
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New Vegas is far superior, not from a story standpoint but rather from a mechanics standpoint. The story lines of both games were incredible, and fun, but New Vegas came out with several features that really made you feel immersed in the Post Apocalyptic age, most notably it's most game changing feature...HARDCORE MODE! With hardcore mode you actually have to scrape through the desert to survive, constantly finding things like water, food and shelter. It really did everything but put the heat on your face. So while both games are amazing in my opinion, New Vegas takes the cake every day of the week.
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well, OP asked if New Vegas is worth playing. He certainly didn't ask which one is better! And I don't understand why people can't just accept that both games are great in their own ways! Is it a rule or something?! Like if one likes New Vegas more, one must bash Fallout 3?!


Anyway, I defenitly say New Vegas is worth playing. BUT (there is always a but) in my opinion New Vegas does not have Fallout 3's charm. Again I say IMO.


Anyway, if you like Fallout 3, you won't be disappointed by New Vegas. That's for sure.

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Anyway, I defenitly say New Vegas is worth playing. BUT (there is always a but) in my opinion New Vegas does not have Fallout 3's charm. Again I say IMO.


Anyway, if you like Fallout 3, you won't be disappointed by New Vegas. That's for sure.

Agreed 100% New Vegas is just too cowboy-centric for my tastes. I miss the subways and Urban areas


@OP: Having said that, the quests, npc's and mechanics in New vegas are way improved so I can't see how you'd regret it.

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Fallout 3 had a real feeling of survival, and it looked more sinister. Like it really was an apocolypse. In New Vegas the landscape is beautiful. It's more of exploring than just plain survival. You don't even really need to eat food that much, unlike in Fallout 3 where you did. Yet New Vegas's weapons and combat are a lot better. The thing that I liked the most is how they added "true" iron sights. :thumbsup:
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Yeah... those are the only words I can think of!


While they where made by two different company's Its worth it to see the fallout series, if you know what I mean

Edited by bigman28
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