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New to NV, got a few questions.


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Ok, Im new to NV, coming over from Fo3 and Oblivion. I moded Oblivion extensively, eventualy reaching the mod saturation point around 90(all very large mods) that mostly affected engine, physics, and shaders/lighting. I don't intend to go anywhere near as over the top with FNV-it looks good enough that I don't feel compelled to try and cram in Crysis 2's graphics, but I would like to add some guns, and maybe some gameplay changes to make the Mojave desert a bit... stranger.


Coming in FNV I feel I mainly need to first work out what needs configuring to my tastes-I like a recurring challenge rather than a one-shot gauntlet, in Oblivion I often ran dungeons, and completely ignored the main story for over 18 months(real time) before finaly doing it in under an hour, and going back to looting and shooting. I found my biggest complaint about Fo3 was that, atleast on my version, there was literaly no respawn at all-kill something and it stayed dead, including critters and bandits, robbing me of the twice weekly "smash every dungeon on this quadrant of the map" that was my favorite thing in Oblivion. This is my first question, are there camps/forts/dungeons/subways/other that run like a dungeon in FNV? and do they respawn? if no, can I get a mod somewhere that MAKES them respawn, because if I can only kill X or Y bandit lair once, that gets very boring for me.


Beyond that main concern, Im also curious how mods work in FNV-it's the first Steam game I've tried to mod(my version being a retail copy installed form disk, but it launches from Steam) I know full well how they install into Fo3 and Oblivion, but is it any diferent here?


And finaly, are there any reliability pitfalls I need to be aware of with moding? I vividly remember the carnage I caused on a number of occasions from blowing my Oblivion install apart with incompatible mods, is it just the usual "don't run two hair packs" or are there new issues? or less?


Thanks for any help lended in advance.

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