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Question for someone with NVIDIA GTX 580 or better


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I am getting some pretty low frames in Oblivion (15fps). I am running an i7-2600k OC'd to 4.45ghz with an NVIDIA GTX 580 and 8GB DDR3-1600 RAM.


I have the following mods installed:

- Natural Environments

- Qarl's Texture Pack III

- Open Cities


- OBGE - Water mod

- FastExit

- Oblivion ENB series


I am using these settings in my video card panel:

- 16x Anisotropic filtering

- 16xQ CSAA anti-aliasing,

- Ambient Occlusion ON,

- 8x Supersampling,

- V-Sync, Triple Buffering,

- Threaded Optimization to Auto


With the ENB series turned off it functions okay. However once it's turned on all goes to s***. Is this normal? I thought this card could handle anything you throw at it in terms of Oblivion. I do realize the settings/mods could be a bit overkill though.


Are there changes to Oblivion.ini I should make for a system like this? (So the game can take advantage of it)



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I've got a 570, and some of the ENB changes (been a while, but I think it was their SSAO but mostly DOF implementations) would absolutely kill performance, despite the card barely getting off idle without it. They said on the F:NV nexus page that some of the algorithms aren't overly efficient, and will chew up GPU time like nothing else.


IIRC there was a page somewhere on the nexus sites which listed the various features/variation on feature implementation and the relative loads they put on your system. It might've been for F:NV though, but that would probably be the best place to start. Disabling the SSAO included in the ENB modifications in preference for NVIDIA's built in SSAO, and disabling the DOF should produce a significant increase in performance. Depends how badly you want DOF.

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Open Cities, RAEVWD, OBGE shaders, Liquid Water and 16 AA will all affect your performance negatively, OBGE and RAEVWD being the worst.


I second the AA. Mine runs great at 1920x1080 with HD texture packs and the.ini's heavily edited to ramp up all the detail/quality settings I could find + extending the view distance a billion light years away but as soon as I put my AA up high the fps drop so low it becomes unplayable.


Nice overclock btw

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