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Grey Prince Training AND Fight Grand Champion?


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I am wondering if there is a way to get the training from the Grey Prince without having him just hopelessly give up when its time to fight him. I would really like those skill boosts that the training gives, however I still want to experience that ultimate fight rather than him just basically giving me the title. Edited by xchargerfanx
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I am wondering if there is a way to get the training from the Grey Prince without having him just hopelessly give up when its time to fight him. I would really like those skill boosts that the training gives, however I still want to experience that ultimate fight rather than him just basically giving me the title.


Depends. Do you want to do it legitimately (not possible), or are you open to cheats (easy fix)?

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Depends. Do you want to do it legitimately (not possible), or are you open to cheats (easy fix)?


Well I think it would be the opposite of cheating if I make him fight me legitimately rather than him just handing me the title ;) But unfortunately if using the console really is the only way to be able to do this, then I guess that's fine. Do you know the console command to do this?

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Depends. Do you want to do it legitimately (not possible), or are you open to cheats (easy fix)?


Well I think it would be the opposite of cheating if I make him fight me legitimately rather than him just handing me the title ;) But unfortunately if using the console really is the only way to be able to do this, then I guess that's fine. Do you know the console command to do this?


The cheat 'fix' is not to do the Gray Prince quest at all (there's no other benefit, and the loot in the fort is negligible), but to add the Gray Prince Training spell to yourself with the console. That way you get to fight him and the perk.

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"Grey Prince Training" isn't even a real perk, though, because it stunts your growth.

When I hit level 39 I couldn't reach level 40 without removing the training so I could level up one last time.

(Of course the difference between level 39 and level 40 isn't live-or-die ... still, the training doesn't level you up, so if any of the Grey Prince skills are tagged as leveling-skills you lose that much level-increasing potential.)

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"Grey Prince Training" isn't even a real perk, though, because it stunts your growth.

When I hit level 39 I couldn't reach level 40 without removing the training so I could level up one last time.

(Of course the difference between level 39 and level 40 isn't live-or-die ... still, the training doesn't level you up, so if any of the Grey Prince skills are tagged as leveling-skills you lose that much level-increasing potential.)


The Grey Prince Training (along with many others) is a perk that is only sensible to acquire after you have maxed out your skills in Athletics, Blade and Block, when it will take you above and beyond 100 in each. It does not stunt your growth if your game is patched. For more details see this article.

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Thanks for the link!

It definitely stunts your growth if you don't have the skills maxed out first, but you're right that there's no reason to take the perks until you're at 100 anyway, at which point it won't stunt your growth.

The perks that actually level your skills, like skill books, augment your growth rather than stunt it. But those won't take you past 100, either, so both types of perks seem to have their place.

Thanks again for the link. I learned something.


Edit: "Stunts your growth" I see now was also a kind of bug where an NPC-awarded skill training level up gets no xp so that you have to level the skill through the missing levels before you start making progress to the next level. That's not actually what I meant or was referring to.

By "stunts your growth" with these fortify effects I meant the raised "effective level" makes it harder to increase your base level. The most extreme example of this I know of is the Skeleton Key -- it makes leveling Security almost impossible because it boosts your effective level by such a huge amount. (Being able to drop the key mitigates the problem somewhat, but other skill fortify perks can't be instantly switched off like the Skeleton Key.)

Edited by RatcatcherOfKvatch
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I would like to do a slightly different thing:


- do the quest

- lie to the Gray Prince, saying him, as an example, I found nothing (giving up the training, in which I'm not interested)

- have a proper fight


Is it possible (even cheating or by a mod)?

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