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Good Free Software

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I am setting up a new computer, I want to set up with a majorty of free software just to see what it like, so I can set up some other like it


Mainly i want protection software,

ive heard of a way of separating your browser from the rest of the programs on your computer, how would i do that


I would also like a fire wall that can be set to only allow conections and programs i want everything else gets blocked


my only requirements for this software is

1. it can actually do it job

2. can be downloaded in a full installl, to be installed offline

3.isnt too painful to setup

4. to be free


ive been using AVG for a while for both anti virus and anti malware, so I am looking to improve my protection

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Spybot: Search & Destroy and Microsoft Security Essentials are both good security programs and free.


not security but two other free programs i use are CCleaner to clean out my PC of course, and Defraggler (made by the same ppl) to well defragment my PC.


i too am interested in this thread, cause i was gunna post one recently asking for the same info. so im curious as to what ppl post on the matter :)

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I highly recommend Avast as your main protection, I have it installed since 2 years and haven't had any major infections.

It's free, you just need to register a free license.

It's user friendly.

It automatically updates the virus database so you are always up to date.


It's safe to say that it's one of the best free security programs out there.

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To isolate your browser - try the free version of Sandboxie. It works with just about any browser IE, FireFox, Chrome and others to isolate a browsing session - and allows you to decide to allow some things - like mods to be actually kept when you exit the Sandboxie. You will have the choice to start your browser either normally or sandboxed.


Find it, as well as many other free programs on MajorGeeks.com.

Sandboxie: http://majorgeeks.co...oxie_d4993.html


Click on the geek pic to be taken to the MajorGeeks home page


Be sure to read the descriptions as not all files are free.

And as always beware of free program installers that try to get you to install extras that you probably don't want - such as the Ask searchbar - which to me is just another form of malware. (Just how many 'bars do you need cluttering up your screen and RAM?) They like to trick you by having the select box to install already checked (default) and you must uncheck it to avoid this garbageware.

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