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Showracemenu don't work


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I'm trying to use showracemenu to change my hairstyle for the second time (same mod, but new version)...but this don't work and the game crash everytime I use the cheat.

I tried other cheats: they work perfectly.

I tried turning off every mod could change race or I installed lately: nothing, showracemenu don't work.


Now i cannot turn back, because I changed the mesh of the old hair version so I can't use it anymore...and I have a monk tonsure !!!!!


Please help...I can't see my pg with that hair XP !!!!! (Excepting jokes, why Oblivion crash when I use showracemenu ? What's happening ? There's any other way to change a pg apparence from a save file ?)

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The reason the game is crashing is precisely because of that hair. The game is trying to load the mesh of the player's current hair when you open up the race menu, but it can't find it.


If you have Wrye Bash, go to the saves tab, right-click your save, and select "Repair Hair" at the bottom.

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