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Too many objects in mod slowing down game?


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so I've recieved some feeback to my DC Ranger Armors mod that it is slowing down the Rivet City area for some.


There's been talk of different models using the same textures causing the slow downs due to the game reloading textures. There's also been talk of there being quite simply too many objects in my mod, and that is causing the game to lag for some. Fingers have also been pointed to a weapon lockup area on the exterior of the compound containing laser rifles as one of the main sources.


I'm wondering if there is any truth to the 'too many objects' theory. I'm dubious as there are much bigger mods which add much more to areas than mine, however, I haven't much modding experience so any help in troubleshooting this issue would be appreciated. Thanks

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There's been talk of different models using the same textures causing the slow downs due to the game reloading textures.

That makes no sense from a graphics rendering pipeline perspective.


reusing the same texture, or using less textures, cuts down on loading extra textures into the vram or simply less render passes respectively. In the case of the former the texture should already be loaded in vram ready to be called and rendered in scene no matter how many objects in that scene use it.


the shear number of objects definitely has an impact on performance. I am pretty sure even if the polygon, material and texture load is the same in a scene between 1 object and 1000, the single object scene should render faster assuming everything is always being rendered baring any particular occulder system, because it can fire it in scene in 1 batch, where are the 1000 object scene won't. Add in separate materials for each mesh (as in there are always going to be a separate material render pass in Fallout because material parameters are set per nif basis, and aren't assigned through a material library inside the geck or something, and the render cost sky-rockets.


it's per engine basis this sort of things, but reusing textures/ materials and combining objects is standard theory.

Edited by Ghogiel
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I figured that re-using textures would aid in rendering times ....... didn't make much sense to me but then I'm new at modding.


I didn't realize that so many objects would slow down the game that bad.



is there any way to fix the lag issues without cannibalizing the layout of my mod?

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