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yay dogs


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I want a wolf, not a dog.

Or even better, a dragon. Impossible to have a pet dragon, i know, but if someone makes a mod for one it could work. If they are like baby dragons or teenage dragon pets, it be easyer to have them follow u around instead of this massive dragon following u wherever u go lol

Edited by TheMysteriousTraveler
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I want a wolf, not a dog.

Or even better, a dragon. Impossible to have a pet dragon, i know, but if someone makes a mod for one it could work. If they are like baby dragons or teenage dragon pets, it be easyer to have them follow u around instead of this massive dragon following u wherever u go lol

If there is anything that I've learned from Bethesda games....nothing is impossible...except for *names long list*


I do want a pet dragon, I think it would be awesome to stumble upon a Dragon's nest or something and then...UH OH adoption! Plus I would want to be able to ride it and fly around WEEEEEEEEEE!!!!!!


And if I had some sort of Canine..it would be a wolf and like I said....pet CRAB! :devil:

Edited by SynysterShadows1213
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I wish we could have cat companions, even wild cats like a lynx or tiger... like in Torchlight:



Then I could name my kitteh Meatshield and let it do the dirty work.

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Well, yeah... But honestly, how many lynxes or lions can you picture in such a cold climate as Skyrim. Perhaps some... snow leopards, maybe mountain lions, but I digress.


I believe I have failed at being on topic.


Snow Leopard, Siberian Tiger, Mountain Lion/Cougar/Puma, Lynx, Bobcat, etc... all are known to be found in cold, snowy climates. I don't think that we will have cats as companion options at release, but it should be a simple mod to make early on. If everything is already in place for a canine companion it may literally be a 15 minute mod for someone to include a different in game animal. :D

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GREY FOX!!!!!!!!!! Oh wait wrong game again.......a cat would be a cool companion, but then again it won't fetch you supplies or attack your enemies....unless it attacks and beats down enemies with its adorableness!!!!! XD and unless it's Ser-Pounce-a-lot.


But it depends...cat...domestic cat or giant white Siberian tiger with paws the size of a continent and claws as sharp as daggers? I would ride a tiger....but anyways a Maine Coon cat would be pretty awesome...not gigantic, but it would be large enough. They get about 20-25lbs, 40in length and 16in tall.....Pretty big cats is you ask me. Plus they have long fur for the weather :thumbsup:



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