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What are Ghosts?


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I theoryized much the same as saxx about it being similar in design to the trauma harness. However meat remains on the ghosts so either its a well secured suit and they are basicly mummified or they are changed by the cloud. I would have to say they are not ghouls because its an area untouched by the radiation that would be required to make a ghoul.
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Its actually just the cloud that causes it as seen from the siding with Elijiah ending.


They arent like Ghouls at all btw.


The lore on them is limited but you can still find a lot about them: They arent like the trauma harness suits the only thing like the trauma harness suits are the trauma harness suits. Just look at the behavior and youll see it plus there isnt any documentation on the prototype design being refitted for hazard suits(In fact you can find logs about how they had to carry injured workers wearing the suits out.). Their sealing inside the suits comes from the fact that the outer locks melt from cloud exposure.


As for biology and how they can only be killed by dismemberment or breaking their spine id have to guess that the mutation caused their organs to form some kind of large redundant organ system that regenerates easily unless massive damage is received on a section in which case the whole thing dies. Its also perfectly possible that ghost people arent actually dead it just takes them a very long time to regenerate limbs and other body parts and while in this recovery stat they remain dormant. The reason you dont see ghost people with partial suits is because they have excess to replacements and like to drag away their injured brothers back to safe places.


As for reproduction they do what super mutants do drag you away and try to turn you into one with exposure to the cloud. Strap you in a suit, dunk you i the cloud and wait. Some dont survive which they seem to preserve using embalming fluid. Its possible that they dont realize they are dead and think they are "recovering" in which case points to that being normal practice and possibility that it speeds up recovery which is why you dont see recovering ghost people.



Also they dont glow green that part is from the suit itself.

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It's simple really, Ghosts are pretty much rust zombies. That's it the cloud is a mysterious virus-like substance that contaminated the Sierra madre working crews and turned them into aggresive ghoul-types.


it's that simple really, kind of lame if you ask me, the cloud seems to be more of prop used as plot element than the mistery it claims to be, it's just an excuse to have scarry humanoid enemies that aren't ghouls.

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