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How awesome is Lonesome Road? Let me tell you !


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Its pretty sweet, I like walking the lonesome road and the scenery is really great. :nuke: the weapons and armor are also great, I dont mind the reuse of textures etc. since it gives the feeling of consistensy with the main game.


Im not to keen on the ulysses character and the background story, think it is a bit to forced imo


especially the link/reference to Honest hearts is really weak and i feel it was buldozered in there.


The Lonesome road is the DLC with the most atmosphere, so almost for that reason im willing to give it 8/10 :wub:

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So far I've played DM and HH and I don't know which one to play next.


Between the two that I played so far, I thought HH was lame, the Survivalist's journal was cool and all but other than that I would rather play DM again and I started DM at level 15 hard: hardcore mode.

Maybe when I beat NV I'll give very hard hardcore mode a shot.... NOT!

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all I can say is... LR is pretty awesome !!


i don't want to spoil anything but like a good Saigon prostitute... i'll tease you just a little


first i'll say: Bethesda... you are forgiven for Honest Hearts ! God i hate HH so much ! this certainly makes up for it !


did you miss the Railgun from FO3 ? i sure did ! well... there's a little surprise in this DLC !


didn't think there were enough cars to blow up in NV? i sure did ! well... lots of blowing up in LR !


Ulysses's backstory ! pretty cool ! always wondered what he was doing for Caesar


really wish the "urban sprawl" of Vegas was that of Lonesome Road


Lonesome Road is what post-apocalyptic is suppose to be ! That big city feel that was missing in Vegas but so evident in F03 and the Pitt is back !


Finally... that mystery of the Mojave outpost key has been solved !


how much did you like LR? if you haven't played it yet... go f****** get it !


Can't wait!! I'm getting it tommorow. Anyway 2 things im interested about(don't tell me though) are the Mojave Outpost key thing? And as you said and as ive seen its more Fallout 3 and the Pitt like oh yeah!!

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id recommend this play order: NV 1-10 HH 10+ OWB 15+ DM 20+ LR 25+ and then finish off the rest of NV This is not only going to give you a challenge on easy, hardcore, or my personal fav, with Project Nevada installed. But also gives a good play out to the storylines, especially those that are interwoven.


There are very specific storyline reasons I suggest OWB BEFORE DM. As for Honest Hearts, its not hardly tied in until the end of lonesome road. Which I believe was needed and fit well as the White Legs objectives just do not fit in with what you learn of the Legion in standard New Vegas.

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