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The reason why I hate The Abusers of the System


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Taking your money and putting it somewhere else. throwing it out the window.


Pretty much. They can throw it out the window to american citizens, or, they can throw it out the window to pay politicians to come up with new and better ways to throw it out the window, they can even throw it out the window over foreign countries, so, instead of the tax dollars being tossed to americans, they can now be tossed to people that would just as soon kill americans. Isn't government wonderful?


Figger it out people. Government spends money. Government taxes its citizens, citizens get NO say in where the money is spent. If anything else were the case, would we still be spending billions in afghanistan? iraq? Yemen? Libya?? Would we have over 900 military bases in foreign countries?? Etc. etc. etc.

Edited by HeyYou
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We already had this conversation and I recall you admitting that you support government force and violence to achieve political goals, the income tax is just one of them. I do not believe in any form of non-defensive violence however and I would modify your statement to mean the following: That's what taxation is about. Taking your money and putting it somewhere else. throwing it out the window.

I said a support killing someone who causes the deaths of millions, not nearly the same thing as using violence to achieve political goals.


You are right in a lot of ways. Taxation commonly does take your money and throw it out of the window. It is still legal, which is my argument.


@HeyYou That is how our democracy works. Politicians run of their values and we vote for them, yet their values change midterm. Would so many people vote for bush if they knew he would start two wars? I doubt it.


Would so many people vote for Obama, knowing that he is a complete liar and corporate robot without doing anything he campaigned on?

Edited by marharth
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I know you don't want to participate but calling Obama a liberal democrat seems inaccurate to me. His supporters are for the most part but I would simply call him a centrist corporate stooge, little different in his policies to Bush. After 3 years of office I don't think anyone can really be serious about calling Obama a liberal democrat for his actions speak louder than words.

Agree with stardusk on that matter.




I have to disagree welfare is unconstitutional based on article one section eight.


"The Congress shall have Power To lay and collect Taxes, Duties, Imposts and Excises, to pay the Debts and provide for the common Defence and general Welfare of the United States"


General welfare meaning...





Since welfare refers to the general happiness, health, or even financial support, congress is given that power by the constitution.


The Welfare clause is always misinterpreted as is the state commerce clause. The founders never intended for the government to take care of its citizens from cradle to grave.

Welfare is not meant to take care of people, it is meant to make living easier so people can get a job or get a better job.


What is general welfare supposed to mean? The constitution gives congress the power to pass laws regarding general welfare, and the definition of welfare is pretty much just well being.


It's a very controversial clause but I am pretty sure it never meant to take from someone to give to someone else.

That's what taxation is about. Taking your money and putting it somewhere else.


We already had this conversation and I recall you admitting that you support government force and violence to achieve political goals, the income tax is just one of them. I do not believe in any form of non-defensive violence however and I would modify your statement to mean the following: That's what taxation is about. Taking your money and putting it somewhere else. throwing it out the window.

I said a support killing someone who causes the deaths of millions, not nearly the same thing as using violence to achieve political goals.


You are right in a lot of ways. Taxation commonly does take your money and throw it out of the window. It is still legal, which is my argument.


The 16th amendment was passed under dubious circumstances.

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Would you folks KINDLY learn how to use the snip thing and not quote the quote of the quote...its like pages of nothing to scroll through.


Really though...again its gone from the welfare system to Nazi's?



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Would you folks KINDLY learn how to use the snip thing and not quote the quote of the quote...its like pages of nothing to scroll through.


Really though...again its gone from the welfare system to Nazi's?



Godwin's law :biggrin:


What snip thing? I just delete the quotes.

Edit for info: use the mouse to highlight the relevant part of the comment you want to quote (not the entire comment) then use copy, then in your post use the insert quotation (at the top of your post) and paste the copied part inside of the quote tags.


SNIP - off topic


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