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Can I do this with two mods? (Simple goal, long explanation)


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Can you load all other mods into the CS without error? Is it only RRM that you are experiencing this issue with? Also, can you take a screenshot of a couple of the CS error messages an post them?
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Truth be told, I haven't fiddled with any of the mods except for these two, nor even loaded any others if memory serves correctly. I've been really reluctant because a year ago I had a similar issue- I loved Calair Castle and wanted to relocate it, but doing so wrecked a nearby road and I couldn't undo the changes to the mod. That time, it was revealed to be the work of my game having been installed to Program files (which isn't the case this time, and which, when changed last time, was enough to solve the issue). None of the mods I have installed at this time (at most 75, I think) have given me any in-game problems so I suppose I never had reason to load them up. The RMM / GV attempt was just for my own convenience.


I'm actually on a different laptop now so I won't be able to get screens until later this evening but I do recall that the messages were of the order of missing nifs. They only began popping up (en masse) when I scrolled over to the wilderness space that used to contain the manor. The trees and surroundings still look intact, but what appear to have been dozens of candles and flowers and pieces of ivy (in addition to the building itself) are now just a glob of purple and yellow.

Edited by miketheratguy
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What you are describing sounds very much like an edited plugin, but since you've replaced it I am quite honestly bamboozled.
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Imagine how I feel, lol.


If need be, I can reinstall Oblivion and just hang onto my saves. The problem with that is that when the aforementioned Program files issue happened last year, a clean reinstall of the game (and clean reinstall of the mod) still wasn't enough to clear the error. Only moving the install directory of the game fixed the problem. Hell, maybe I'll try that tonight. I guess I may as well.


In the meantime, I'm still not entirely clear. Was what I tried to do in the first place even possible? Copying the RRM pieces and dropping them into GC and making a new esp using just the standard construction set?


Also, if you don't mind me asking, what would have made the structure of the RMM interior disappear? That was my first effort- taking the RMM interior and making a copy of it that opened right into the GC main hall- but while its objects (and the entirety of the GC interior) were normal; the copied GC lost all walls and floor when I tried to test it in-game. Why did that happen? Was that my proof that combining mods in this manner doesn't work?

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If you uninstall Oblivion do it correctly by running setup from the disk, so that everything gets removed properly. Also make sure that no remnants from a previous install inside 'Program Files' is lurking about. These will be in your ProgramData virtual store, IIRC.
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This install of Oblivion is the first on that particular hard drive, but that's still good advice. I'll be sure to clear everything and see if that eliminates the problem.


I don't expect you to drop all you'll be doing and guide me through everything but will you be around later in the evening? Despite us not figuring a solution yet I appreciate the help.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Sorry for disappearing. An emergency came up that kept me away from the computer for pretty much the last week or so.


Now that I'm back and trying to get back into the swing of things, I thought it would be a good time to try figuring this out again. Alas, a complete reinstall didn't work.


I removed the game using the disc setup, removing Oblivion entirely. Then I used ccleaner to wipe the residue from the registries. Finally I reinstalled the game in a completely different location (in this a games folder I made on my desktop). I installed Shivering Isles on top of it, patched it, installed the basic construction set, then Red Rose Manor by itself. Fresh install, different place, ONE mod. And it still spits a hundred errors at me when I scroll over to the wilderness cell in question. Sample: Model load error: in landscape\Emma\EMIvoryrose01b\.nif. Will use the default object Marker_Error.nif


When possible, I used these instructions. http://wiki.tesnexus.com/index.php/Oblivion_reinstall_procedure


I looked but couldn't find appdata or programdata or any access to this irritating Win 7 "temporary storage" or whatever crap it's called. Somehow, a log of my inadvertent mod change (which apparently saved itself when the CS crashed mid-change) apparently still exists and is overruling not only a complete OBLV install but also a fresh install of the CS and even the mod itself.




I feel so frustrated and helpless. ALL this simply because I loaded a mod in the CS and tried to move an object within it? Now I can't go back? I don't understand why this is happening or why anyone else hasn't gone through the same thing. :(


There MUST be some beginner-friendly way to revert a mod to its original state or undo changes to it or, where I think the problem might lie, erase the damage that's being stored in the magical temporary Win 7 data.

Edited by miketheratguy
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