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No one will ever believe me...


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I doubt even you will...


But I swear, I saw it. I saw a UFO in the night sky. Meaning an "unidentified flying object", nothing more, because I honestly can't say what it was.


But I know it was not an airplane. Airplanes absolutely cannot stop in midair like that. And if it were an airplane, I would have heard its engines for sure - but I heard absolutely nothing. And a helicopter? No. Believe me, I know helicopters are extremely extremely loud, and if it were close enough for me to see it, I would have been able to hear it (th). But I could not hear anything unusual. Besides, why would a helicopter just be sitting there for that long?


It was a cloudy night. It looked almost exactly like a star - but it was quite bright, and it was flashing red and blue. I saw it move twice - I was watching it over the rooftops of the houses in the other co-op, when suddenly it zoomed a short distance to the left (in a way that no helicopter could possibly move), and then back again a few minutes later. I sat there watching it for over half an hour - most of the time it just sat there doing nothing but flashing red and blue in the sky.


I don't know what it was. But just sitting there, watching this weird thing that looked kind of like a star, even though no stars were visible because it was cloudy, was one of the most incredible experiences of my whole life. I got over 20 minutes of video of it with my digital camera.


If it was some kind of alien spacecraft, though... I hope they saw me. Heck, I wish they would come down and meet me. One thing I will always desperately hope to do in my life is meet someone from another planet.


Look, I know what I saw, and though I cannot say precisely what it was, I know it was... something else. Forget about the size of the universe - just look at the size of our very own galaxy. It's huge, huger than words can properly describe - so much that we could never get our minds wrapped around the very concept. Even if life is some freaky, rare occurence... there has to be life out there somewhere. Is it actually advanced, or "intelligent" by our standards? Well, intelligence is a difficult thing to define, so none of us can know, especially me. But I just know it's out there somewhere; I always have. I just hope in my lifetime I can know more about it (if it is advanced and it knows about our existence, then clearly it isn't malevolent - if it did have any bad intentions, I'm sure we would know about it by know. I don't think people should be so frightened by the idea of intelligent aliens being real.)


There's no way we could be alone...


I believe you Lehcar, regardless of what these guys think, I've heard of Orbs before, many times, and even had one go right over my own head, though I'd firstly like to know where this was, what city?


Where was this exactly? what country? These... strange things have been seen before, almost always in the far north of the norhtern hemisphere, with hours of recorded videos, and even at one stage a multi million Euro projetc put into studying them. I don't know for sure, but it sounds like an Orb, a strange anomaly sometimes seen over far northern/southern areas, most especialy Norway and Finland, but with a few sightings in Canada, and even Germany and the USA. They're actualy common enough a phenominon that in (I think it was Norway Im working on old memory alone here) Norway actualy instituted a small program to find out more about them.


Eventualy one of the things was scanned and caught on video. A pulsing orb of pure, blinding light floating silently, and moving erraticaly in a way no human machine of our tech could. Radiological instruments attached to the camera showed extremely intense electromagnetic field, as if the whole thing was a blob of EMP particle radiation. Not much more's known, except that they're been seen many many times down through the ages in far north/south regions, tend to emit hugely intense electromagnetic fields(just like the Aurora they resemble) and floating, ghost like, above the ground for hours. One was sited in Australia about a year ago, an eery white-gold orb trailing


At the moment the theory is that they're some form of natural occurance, perhaps related to Ball Lightning, or more likely aurora. The nights they appear on tend to be incredibly, beautifuly clear, with extremely dry air conditions, and almost always very cold, sometimes paired with freakish Aurora activity, and with current data, common theory is that they're some form of electromagnetic anomaly that forms within certain conditions, they certainly aren't dangerous or frightening, and to my eye, extremely beautiful.

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I also believe you saw a UFO. The operative word here is UNIDENTIFIED flying Object. That does not automatically mean flying saucer, just something in the sky you could not identify. Working outside at night on an airfield (USMC, we kept our airfield darker than commercial airports for a reason). I saw quite a few UFOs, many of which were later identified, but not all - I have actually created some of them myself. :whistling:

I couldn't see anything in your video except what looked like a portion of a fence - and I doubt that is what you were trying to show. :confused:


Many UFOs (not all) are easily identified when you have the right info. I have identified several as weather balloons (in the 1960s they were more common) others as planets - Venus is especially bright at some times of the year, and atmospheric conditions can make it jump from one location to another. ( I doubt it would be seen below the clouds very often, although it can be seen though a haze that obscures true stars) Atmospheric conditions can cause color changes also. Satellites do move in a predictable path and can be very bright at times. Aircraft moving directly toward you or directly away can look as if they are standing still, then suddenly appear to violently change direction and shoot away - very disconcerting the first time you see it. :unsure:


If you saw it, it is likely that others saw it also. Ask around. Maybe it will be identified. And maybe it will become an even bigger mystery.

Recommended, check the location of planets, the path of satellites and the flight patterns of aircraft over your area. If the UFO is more than a few miles away or if there is any wind between you and it it is unlikely you will hear any aircraft engine noise - even helicopters can seem quiet if the conditions are right.

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@ita - haha good one!


One clear summer night I stopped at traffic lights near Bryanston in RSA facing North at about 8:45pm and saw a green star moving at speed in the sky. There was nobody else around(there never is, is there). I got out of the car and watched as it shot overhead and headed due south. Suddenly it moved east. I don't mean turned east, I mean just went. 90' right angle, then accelerated and dissapeared. Everyone I've told says "satellite". How many satellites can move 90'? Then they get a deadpan expression but by the look in their eyes you know their thinking "liar".

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I bet it was the German Luftwaffe they like to play those tricks once in a while world wide. ( real prankster pilots) Tehy eaven occasionly manipulate the weather with their chaff's..

So answer me why would any Alien visit a planet that it's inhabitants are so primitive they still call it dirt?

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Could have been the falling sattelite UARS. It has had an unstable orbit the last few days. I could not find any history on that day you saw something. All links are are crazy about TODAY, because it will make impact TODAY with earth. All links to UARS only shows possibla lanes where it could drop. My home is on the spot. (walks away, searching for a helmet)
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A couple of things you may want to know, related to this:


Objects falling into the atmosphere do not follow predictable trajectories, some suddenyl veer off course as part disintergrates-remember that they are coming apart and very hot, and trace elements in the core may explode or fly off, distebalising the rock and sending it veering off course.


It's a common misconception that meteors burning up burn "fire colour" Fire doesn't have a colour, it depends on what's burning. Copper for example, trace copper elements can create bright green fire, anyone who's seen a car engine blow at a Drag Race meet knows that one.


Some things in nature have odd properties that aren't widely known, such as that Aluminium can be a powerful explosive(and is one of the acitve ingredients in fireworks) A rock falling to earth with trace minerals can do all sorts of bonkers things as those trace elements heat up and are exposed to oxygen and nitrogen. Satellites too have this issue, since they contain copper, gold, alluminium, and chemicals like Hydrazine, which can cause merry hell when in burning freefall.


Glowing orbs are a commonly recorded sight in far-north countries, with a few a year of the same overall type, they are suspected to be an anomaly related to the Aurora, which are in turn caused by the Earth's electromagnetic field, strongest at the (magnetic) poles.


Following on from what BBen said, in the 20th century, the American gov't set up an agency to investigate UFOs of all shapes and forms, called Project Blue Book. Blue Book was declassified a few years ago now, and it's files are publicaly available, and well worth a read if you like that sort of thing. Out of everything Blue Book looked at, it never found "conclusive and undeniable evidence of extraterrestrials" but that out of all the incidents, about 20%(varying over the years) were simply inexplicable. Blue Book atleast proved that there's stuff on this good Earth we simply don't understand.


Our knowledge of the universe is currently very limited, today(literaly today) a Swiss institute partialy disproved the special theory of relativity, by sending a Neutrino to a speed beyond the speed of light. So little of what we assume to be true may not be, don't just say "that's impossible" you'd be surprised how much of "impossible" is merely "technologicaly unlikely"


~CommanderCrazy you were likely kept way from the wrecked satellite because they contain some pretty dangerous stuff, and may or may not be radioactive aswell. Many satellites used Hydrazine as their fuel and power source, Hydrazine being a highly toxic, highly flammable self-oxydising fluid that can cause severe burns when touched, or burn with great intensity.

Edited by Vindekarr
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Somewhat related to the mention of Project Blue Book, check this out, it's another declassified file from the FBI's declassified files vault:




Something that I have seen a little mention of in the news and whatnot. It's short, but interesting.

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