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Well I was just talking in general, but I have seen the Legendary Deathclaw being unable to follow you through the little piece of cave tunnel, you use to get to him... XD


Oh I tried circling around them, then run into a wall/regular ghoul or ally... X(

Those robot go down within the first 1 minute and tend to shoot at the abundance of normal ferals first... :\


I just don't get how you do it... :\

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Well I was just talking in general, but I have seen the Legendary Deathclaw being unable to follow you through the little piece of cave tunnel, you use to get to him... XD


Oh I tried circling around them, then run into a wall/regular ghoul or ally... X(

Those robot go down within the first 1 minute and tend to shoot at the abundance of normal ferals first... :\


I just don't get how you do it... :\


I just happened to do that area again... It's the Franklin Metro Tunnel and I think you get there from Metro Central IIRC. It's got like a Reaver every 10 yards if you do it on level 30. I just went through it on level 20 or so and I encountered 1 in the building and 2 in the tunnels. I didn't have the Dart gun schematic yet (for some reason I had a ***** of a time finding it on this playthrough), so I couldn't use my regular strategy, but I found that with bottlecap mines you can place one, then shoot the Reaver to get him to come after you, and the bottlecap mine both cripples them and takes a good chunk of their health if you get a good hit (try placing it in a doorway or something where they have to walk directly over it). I happened to have the gause rifle and it only takes about 4 shots after you cripple them with a bottlecap mine. The only problem with the gause rifle is it has such a small hit box that its easy to miss them, and sometimes it knocks them down, other times it does, and you only get one shot before you have to reload.


The combat shotgun will take them down, but it takes a boatload of hits. Same with a plasma. The nice thing about the plasma and combat shotgun is you don't have to be as precise when you aim, and you can get a bunch of shots off without reloading.


The guns in NV were so ridiculously overpowered. I picked up a Laser RFV or whatever it was called on like level 4 from a fiend and I kept that sucker til like level 35 or something it was so awesome.


I do miss having more silenced weapons in FO3. There's only the silenced 10mm or the Infiltrator that I know of.


If you don't have the gause rifle, I recommend you get it. I do Anchorage Alaska as soon as I'm able to, because you get power armor training right away and then I have the option of using it if I want to play a heavy armor character, or you also get the chinese stealth armor if you want to play a sneaking character. I happen to think hellfire armor is the best looking armor in the game. The other power armors aren't proportioned right and they don't look near as cool as they do in the game art.

Edited by Fistandilius
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Which difficulty do you use?


I haven't screwed with it. Whatever the default is.


Another nice strategy I found for Overlord's recently is just simply shoot the gun out of their hands and pick it up before they can. They will actually wander around looking for another weapon more than half the time without even bothering with the PC.

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So normal?

Try very hard... ^^


And lol...

Maybe I should reinstall FO3 again... XD

Though I still need to do one ending New Vegas... :\


I would imagine it's just going to mean they have higher dt, or my weapons are nerfed. There's no AI change based on difficulty usually in a Bethesda game, so the strategy would be the same, it'd just take longer. I actually play a stealth character, so with the silent running perk and the chinese stealth armor I could literally walk around them with my silenced 9mm and shoot at them all day long and they'd never hit me once, but I was just trying different methods that were working for me since you brought it up. It's actually a lot of fun baiting them with bottlecap mines or knocking them off of hillsides and such with the gauss rifle. The one in Georgetown I knocked into the water a bunch of times. Unfortunately the game just respawns him outside because there must not be a swimming animation for mutants. It's too bad they don't just walk along the bottom of the lake or something. Lol.


I tend to play these games for the experience of exploring the open world or the experiencing the different storylines rather than the FPS crap so I don't tend to mess with the difficulty much unless I decide to get a platinum achievement or something.

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I actually play a stealth character, so with the silent running perk and the chinese stealth armor I could literally walk around them with my silenced 9mm and shoot at them all day long and they'd never hit me once,


I hear that, I learned that I could just sit in the dark with a silenced weapon, wearing pre-war clothes (of all things!), with sneak skill of about 80 to 85 and silent running.

This super mutant master had no clue where I was, even when running INTO me and still couldn't find me... XD

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