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F1 2011


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Anyone else have this? It's a huge improvement on last years disappointing effort. The AI is more aggressive without being mental, the penalty system is improved, the handling is much better, DRS/KERS has been done well and the game is a lot harder, no more winning in a Lotus on the harder settings.
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Ya, there's some losses in graphics in some areas, but all in all the lighting effects are much improved, the new UI is much better, the Engineer( a vital, vital part of any F-1 team) is much more realistic and the handling is a quantum jump better. I certainly don't regret buying it, not one little bit. 8/10. Easily.
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I think the removal of that horrible brown/yellow filter they put over everything last year has improved the visuals, nowhere near as good as the lighting mod made last years though. Give a few weeks and there will be plenty of texture replacers also with any luck someone will figure out how to lessen the desaturation.
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Biggest change I felt was to car handling, it's a massive improvement over the previous, with a much greater need to modulate the throttle pedal. You can't get away with simply braking, turning, and mashing here, it takes careful modulation, and too much will give you oversteer. But the best thing is, there's more than enough feeling in the controls that you sense that oversteer coming, and can even use it. Blasting through a corner, you can really get a feel for the handling, it's something I am hugely impressed by-just the shear feel, and level of feedback from the controller is spectacular, a la Dirt 3. If you push to hard, you will sense it, almost subliminaly, as the rear tyres start to lose grip, and can counter in time.


Throttle management however, is also it's achiles heal: you pretty much can't play this game without either a wheel or XBOX 360 controller-PS3 controllers, with their simplistic on/off throttle make it nearly undriveable with traction control off, and no better than the keyboard. The most key thing being incremental controls for your throttle-if it's just a full or no throttle button, a la PS3, you won't enjoy this, since you'll spend your races facing a wall, in the sandpit. A Wheel, is even more ideal, as it adds the best possible steering modulation aswell, but I'd recomend you use a SMALL wheel, since F-1 car's need rapid response, and you don't want to be steering with a ship's helm around Monaco unless you're on the leasureboat.

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The more I play the more bugs are appearing. The penalty system in the last game was bad, this one is worse and has ruined several races, once again tyre wear doesn't effect the AI cars and despite promises from the developers it's obvious the AI qualifying times are faked. The controls aren't great either, the game is playable with a 360 controller but really needs traction control enabled, using a wheel is much better but not as good as last year, there is defiantly some input lag. I think I was a little too quick to praise it in my OP, when everything works the game is great, sadly everything working is a rarity.
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Hey are these the mods you where talking about WOOOOOWWW. Photo real anyone..


link inside youtube


The problem with the ENB series is it has quite a framerate hit and leaves that ugly brown/yellow filter that Codemasters put on F1 2010. Much better is the Tracks lighting mod (full) v4, when used with a maxed out DX11 game it does improve things no end. Add a decent damage mod and the AI Hardcore mod to the mix and F1 2010 becomes a fantastic racer, a lot better than F1 2011. The AI mod is the one that makes the biggest difference to gameplay, the original AI didn't really put up much of a fight, it wasn't as useless as the AI in F1 2011 but it still let you through at corners and didn't seem fond of overtaking. Watch how the modded AI behaves...




Warning video contains god awful music.


Edit: oh and this is a godsend, it gets rid of the silly penalties. http://www.nogripracing.com/forum/showthread.php?t=225202

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Hugely impressive, that AI mod. Just the sort of agression you see in the real sport, and just the same sort of driving style aswell, I like it, heres hoping 2K11 gets it's own variant eventualy.
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Hmm that's official I'm getting 2010 for pc and 2011 for psvita. :biggrin: :thumbsup: One question is it Compatible with the 360 controller, if it is its a sure buy for me :laugh:


And indeed impressive AI, puts most racers to shame.


Here is a link to every mod available for f1 2010, if Dark0ne hada site dedicated it was would increase modders interest in the game or even 2011 :thumbsup:




Edited by Thor.
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