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Making an NPC offer services


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Ok I am trying to edit Ferrum in Cloud Ruler Temple to offer the repair service (repairs armor/weapons for a price) since I've made him a blacksmith that uses the forge that's in the Temple Armory in Vanilla.


I know how to set up a shopkeep from a basic NPC by building a shop and having them use a hidden container but I have no idea on how to edit an existing NPC so that they simply offer a service.


Any help?

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Firstly, do you know how to write AI packages, because you will need to, for him to hioffer services.

With that in mind do the following:

Open up Ferrum's box (I don't know what to call it but its in the window with all the objects).

Then click AI.

Firstly click the boxes which relate to him (so if he sells weapons, armor, etc.).

Then create an AI package where he stands in the palace for a certain amount of time and

during that time, click the offer services box.


I hope this helped but you might wanna read a tutorial on AI in order to do this from the

Construction Set Wiki.




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I know how to write AI packages. This will help, thanks :).


For some reason I've never seen the services on the side next to the merchant flags :doh:





Hmm all the boxes are greyed out and I can't seem to get him to use any of them.

Edited by jamochawoke
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For some reason it refused to let me pick any merchant or service flags for him. So I had to change his class to MerchantSmith which at least gave him the repair. I can't uncheck the flags for selling armor/weapons/lights/misc that come with being MerchantSmith as they are still greyed out on him, but I guess it's not such a big deal.


I can set him as a merchant with really low gold value so lowbie players can't abuse having a merchant in their faction.

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To make it so the boxes are not grayed-out, you have to uncheck the "PC Level Offset" and "Auto calc stats" boxes.


(Sort of a strange design and maybe even a design flaw. You can't have leveled vendors. You have to specify an exact level you want them to be.)

Edited by David Brasher
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Ran in to another problem after removing the auto-calc...


If he is "MerchSmith" class he will ignore the commands to not sell and buy items. He still sells and buys (his own armor and weapons!!!). He will repair though.


So I switched him back to BladesClass and then went back to the AI where I have him smithing. I checked the box next to Repair and set him to offer services.


However, during this time the repair icon does not show under his dialogue.



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