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Oblivion has stopped working


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Hey guys, I just uninstalled the Gamestop download of oblivion because it wouldn't let me use obse so I bought the steam version and when I load it up it says oblivion has stopped working and it basically closes out.

I have reinstalled it

I know I can run it because I ran it on the Gamestop download.

I am using windows 7.


Any suggestions

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You need to run the game once (via the stock Oblivion launcher) to generate the ini file, as it is dependant on the settings you choose, and your hardware.


If you can't run the game now, you will probably need to follow bben's Reinstall Procedure. Don't skip any steps, especially about CCleaner. Also note the suggestion on where to install the game.


Make sure to run the game once and make a new save before adding any mods, including OBSE.


If your'e new to all this, TESCOSI can provide a wealth of information, and is highly recommended reading.

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I don't understand that guide to uninstalling and reinstalling I 2 days ago uninstalled my game-stop download of oblivion one could (some left overs) be whats preventing my steam one from working please simplfy the steps

Windows 7

Steam version

64 bit

Gateway Laptop

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If you would please read the uninstall/reinstall procedure. Steam is covered. As well as what to do when you try to uninstall and it no longer allows you to reinstall.


I am not familiar with a Game-Stop downloadable version. if there is any difference it is likely in a windows registry setting - that should be taken care of by the uninstall procedure. However, my guess is the Game-Stop version is just a rebranded version of something like the D2D version - which my procedure will remove.


Hundreds - if not thousands of people have used that uninstall/reinstall procedure. If you read it through first, then follow step by step without skipping any parts, it should completely clean oblivion off of your computer.


If anyone knows of any difference in the Game-Stop install please let me know so I can add it to the procedure. :thumbsup:

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If you have steam, use the steam uninstall. It's part of the steam client.

1. Log onto your steam account.

2. Wait forever while steam updates itself & every game you have via steam. :rolleyes:


3. When it finally comes up, in the upper left corner click on 'Games', Then 'View games Library'


4. Left click on the game you want to remove


5. click 'Remove Local Content'


I think that removes the game from your computer but NOT from your list of games on steam so you will be able to reinstall from steam at any time.


OR, use the revert to vanilla to just completely remove all mods and get back to a unmodified game without having to uninstall and reinstall. Note this also removes OBSE, OBMM, and all other utility programs - they will have to be reinstalled if you want use them.

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