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Guns or not Guns



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  1. 1. Should citizens be allowed to have Guns

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this is more of an issue in the US where guns arent outlawed, yet, but im interested in what ppl from other countries think as well.


i personally am in favor of citizens owning guns. i have one. wish i could get more, plan on it in the future, but money wont allow for more at the moment.


what do u guys think? what are your opinions?

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Where I live it is virtually impossible to own a gun ... you have to go through ridiculous psychological tests - ok, I reckon maybe I personally need that one - and other almost extreme hurdles to finally get a license.

The people who conduct these tests are not qualified to operate a microwave let alone analyse someone's psyche.


Them ...What is the picture i'm holding in my hand ? ...... Me ... it looks like a cucumber, no wait it's a bazooka ..... Them ... *batting their eyelids* huh ? ........ Me ... Baaazoookaaaa-ba-da-booooom.


I reckon that if my curtain just moved at night I'd start blasting ... why ? ... well because we have one of the highest HIV number of cases in the world.


When the "new" government came into power, one of the first things they did was to disarm my sector of the population, i'm sure they feared a revolution or something, which wouldn't have happened as people here

prefer to live in peace.


Nevertheless, I still plan to attempt to own a firearm, maybe a glock or something like that, as we are unable to own what you guys in States own.


Currently my "weapons" are a can of Mace, a baseball bat, a crossbow - 180 pound one, a big spanner, a rubber mallet, a knobkirrie (stick with a knot on the end), a Star Wars Luke skywalker lightsaber - the official version

mind you.

All of which are within close proximity to my bed


And of course my teeth, fingernails, fists and legs.


That is our state of affairs when it comes to guns ... ridiculous.

Edited by Nintii
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ya thats what i have is a 9mm glock. also want to get an AR-15 and a shotgun. 12 gauge, or 20 gauge. doesnt really matter lol


but ill tell you what, i bet wed be a lot safer if everyone had a gun. no one is gunna go into a bank or a store or whatever if he knows everyone in there has a gun as well, and no in is gunna mug someone if the likely hood of him packing is high.

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but ill tell you what, i bet wed be a lot safer if everyone had a gun. no one is gunna go into a bank or a store or whatever if he knows everyone in there has a gun as well, and no in is gunna mug someone if the likely hood of him packing is high.


Well I never thought of it like that but it sure makes a heck lot more sense than the arguement for "not" having a firearm ... isn't that what governments do ... pack big weapons to warn other nations not to interfere ? ... Yes, hoofhearted4 that's

good thinking.


Btw, I can own a paintball gun which I plan to purchase soon with solid balls for security purposes.

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I say yes, as long as it involves proper licensing, training, background checks, limitations bulk purchases, and registration of test rounds into a database for fingerprinting along with ownership information


Yeah, some of it is more bureaucracy, but on this end of thing, there is more pressure towards responsible ownership and more reliable statistics on crimes done with illegal weapons verses registered ones.

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yea. most ppl think that crime rates would go up if everyone had a gun. but i think it would be just the opposite. people only bully other ppl when they are defenseless. whether its the big vs the weak or the armed vs the unarmed.


what gun banning does it make it less safe for those of us who are going to abide by the law. those who are dangerous just by nature, ie gangs, mafia or just thugs by themselves, are going to have guns regardless of the law, so all banning guns does is make us defenseless against those ppl. and makes those ppl a hell of a lot more dangerous.


if everyone had a gun, gangs and whatnot wouldnt be any more dangerous then they already are. they already had guns. they are going to do what they do regardless. if anything, they will stick to fighting amongst themselves (which is what they mostly do) rather then going into the public, if everyone had a gun.



whats been going on recently, which makes me want a bug gun even more, is that ppl have been doing those flash mobs, but instead of dancing, a bunch of kids will meet up on a street, a couple hundred, and just rob the whole street. theyve done it to stores too. a bunch of kids would go in mixed in with little kids, so when the cops would come, all the older kids would run, leaving the little kids, and the cops couldnt really do anything to the little kids. bet those kids (and when i say kids it was ppl from like 15-25 average or something idr exactly) wouldnt do that if they knew the ppl on that street all had guns.


now would crime be obsolete? of course not. there will still be those psychos would go on a rampage just for the sake of killing ppl and/or being killed themselves, like death by cop but death by populace instead. and if everyone has a gun, obviously, everyone as a gun and that in and of itself is dangerous. guns are not for idiots. im sure you would see a lot of "accidents" happening at first. and i use "" for the fact that there probably will be some actual accidents, but im sure someone would try to pull the whole accident spiel or self defense spiel, but they already do that.



then there argument arises. "but what about those of us who are against guns" and to that i say, well thats your option. but when everyone around you has a gun strapped to their waist, we will see how long you are against guns. but hey its your choice.

Edited by hoofhearted4
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Pshy tests do not work if your dealing with a intelligent serial killer.



Its really simple to pass such a test. Use logic and find out what they want you to say.


Serial killers are general intelligent criminals since they do multiple murders without getting caught. Doing mental tests to stop serial killers is not the best idea.


For general murder, you can use a knife. I think in ireland (not sure about the country) the murder rate is the same as many countries with guns legal. Handguns are illegal, and the number one weapon for murder is knifes.

Edited by marharth
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