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Guns or not Guns



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  1. 1. Should citizens be allowed to have Guns

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Education would only work if the people actually wanted to BE educated, and were willing to approach the topic with an open mind. I don't see that ever happening. The issue has been far to politicized, so now folks are 'sticking to their guns' so to speak, simply because that's what their political affiliation tells them to do.
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Education would only work if the people actually wanted to BE educated, and were willing to approach the topic with an open mind. I don't see that ever happening. The issue has been far to politicized, so now folks are 'sticking to their guns' so to speak, simply because that's what their political affiliation tells them to do.

I do see a lot of liberals who support strong gun control or making guns illegal entirely. It seems like a lot of them have that position simply because they are a liberal.

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Education would only work if the people actually wanted to BE educated, and were willing to approach the topic with an open mind. I don't see that ever happening. The issue has been far to politicized, so now folks are 'sticking to their guns' so to speak, simply because that's what their political affiliation tells them to do.

I do see a lot of liberals who support strong gun control or making guns illegal entirely. It seems like a lot of them have that position simply because they are a liberal.


And here I thought that "liberal" would imply FEWER laws...... Silly me eh?


Banning guns in the US would be unworkable. Unless of course, you enlisted the military to enforce such laws, and did a house to house search of every building in the US. It would be impossible.

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Banning guns in the US would be unworkable. Unless of course, you enlisted the military to enforce such laws, and did a house to house search of every building in the US. It would be impossible.

Given ATF's record in handling gun confiscations which is abysmal in their execution I don't think it's even in the realm of reality to attempt. Hell... their current record with "Fast and Furious" got one border patrol agent killed and managed to pass even more assault weapons to the Mexican cartels. I cannot wait until the Attorney General has to explain his inconsistent and now proven false testimony before the last set senate sub committee hearings. They never seem to learn that it's the cover up that sends them up the creek without a paddle.

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I do see a lot of liberals who support strong gun control or making guns illegal entirely. It seems like a lot of them have that position simply because they are a liberal.

Gun control is neither liberal or conservative, it is authoritarian but since both Democrats and Republicans love authoritarian talking points in their political agendas, being pro or anti-guns is a watermark of the respective political parties yet is hardly indicative of political leaning.


Whether or not gun control is authoritarian actually depends on how the State views it: if it sees gun ownership primarily as civil defense to imagined foreign invasion or roving bands of marauders, then gun control is no longer regulation of the individual but regulation of a legitimate and compelling State interest.


While this viewpoint might have been the correct one 150 years ago, it isn't anymore, since we don't live in fear of bands of raiders pillaging towns and burning houses. (Lawful) gun ownership serves primarily as means of defense or entertainment, we do not have the concern for the need of a State civilian militia [The Framers did not envision a large standing army so it would have been necessary for militia to provide for sovereign defense]. Gun control, in itself, is no longer as legitimate or compelling of a State interest.


Since prevention of crime is a legitimate and compelling State interest, however, extremely severe, intrusive, and harsh regulation of sales (as opposed to types of guns) of guns and ammunition should be effected to prevent firearm violence. I'm talking things like...background checks, psychological profiling, ammunition purchase outside of use at a firing range or hunting reserve being extremely limited and restricted, etc.

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Well i'm for civilian guns i live in the uk currently but i' maltese, in malta you can own breety much any fireamr(even machineguns) and the murder rate is so low i dont ever remember seeing a murder on the news, in malta there is a sort of castle doctrin an example was 2 armed robbers with sawed of shotguns(which where unregisteered and illegal like most ofc criminals weapon) and they threatened to kill the owner for the cash and the jewlry in his shop, then his son some in with his legal gun shootsone dead and shoots the other but doesn't kill no jail sentance for the shop keeper the surviving rober goes to jail for 18 years for armed robery, i now live in the uk where there are vitually no gun rights and let me tell you its far from crime free the police can barly keep the rule of law criminals have militry grade machineguns and it is not safe, so civilians need them for defence sport and agaist the biggest criminals tyranical governments like hilters germeny
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been while since ive been back to my thread, 44-7. lol lots of gun supporters out there. nice to see really!


hope the debate stayed civil (havent read it since my last post pages and pages ago) and since it isnt locked, im guessing it didnt get too bad :P

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I am strongly for the ownership of guns. That said I don't believe "EVERYONE" should have them. Meaning you must be responsible! Most crimes commited are not commited by working class folks who go through the background checks.


I don't own a gun yet, but I will soon. Till then I always carry a knife with me. I have never used it as a weapon and hope I will never need to, but I will if the need arises.

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  • 4 weeks later...
How about getting a gun and shooting yourself in the head or heart? That´s why they require a doctors permit for your first gun in Finland, to keep mental patients and potentially suicidal people from getting guns. By the way suicede is NOT a crime in Finland.
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