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What Causes These Graphical Glitches?


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FormID bug was introduce with an early patch of oblivion, in that it would have duplicate form ID's for multiple items. Needless to say, that didn't work out so well, and only ONE item with the duplicated form ID would ever show up. FormID finder, on the other hand, is an entirely different kettle of fish. If you have the latest version, it should have the missing mesh icon, with collision, so that you can actually select it. Might want to check log files, and make sure it is actually loading.


Okay, thought you were referring to FormID Finder. Not too worried about that at this point... I should remove it as it's of no use now.

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Among your listed mods, a possible culprit i could think of would probably be wrong Streamline settings. Try disabling the streamsmooth feature and test if you're not having any problems. You may need to re-initialize streamline in-game. Also probably defragment your hard drive to minimize disk thrashing.


Sure I'll give it a try and let you know what happens in a few days.


Okay, something's seriously wrong now. I was playing my newer OB game with streamsmooth disabled (and initialized) and got this weird texture shot when visiting Apachii Godess store (see below or here <http://www.tesnexus.com/imageshare/image.php?id=104375>). Then on a visit to Chorrol, after inexplicable CTD, I arrived to witness the weirdest thing yet. Unfortunately it's something better seen than explained, however FRAPS wouldn't create a movie and when I tried to take a screenshot, the game froze, requiring to T/M out.


This is what I saw... I was close enought to see guards walking about by the stables and in front of the main South gate. But they didn't have any bodies just torches and boots moving around. Then I saw flickering occuring in the castle walls and entrance like pieces disappearing and reappearing! As I got closer to the gate the entire archway disappeared along with the main gate and surrounding walls, leaving a clear view of the interior buildings and mountains behind. I was so mystified by all this that I let it playout until there wasn't anything I could do but try to capture at least a screenshot of the missing gate, but failed.


I'm at the point now, of thinking about reinstalling OB over what I've got to see what happens. I was almost ready to re-install OB's official shader pack to see if that cured anything, but chickened out because shader naming was diff to mine and I didn't know what that would do to my game. Well, I'm open to suggestions again anyone. Any idea what's going on, and how do I fix this mess? Seems both my OB games on (Win 7, 64-bit) are now bad.


For now, I can play another new OB game I have on another HDD. It's a duplicate install with newer versions of all my important mods on Win XP, 32-bit...less RAM tho. But a least it's a new character at level 3 and I think FRAPS works on this... Im actually, wondering now, what other weirdness I can get with this other game?! I'll keep you all posted on this and wait for any solutions for my other two games. Thanks for all the support so far.

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Did you reinitialize Streamline in-game after editing the ini?


Press Ctrl+Home to bring up the streamline menu

Click on Special Actions > Reinitialize.


Those are really weird glitches. I'm now not really sure if those are caused by streamsmooth alone. Though the ones regarding the floating torches may have been.

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Did you reinitialize Streamline in-game after editing the ini?


Press Ctrl+Home to bring up the streamline menu

Click on Special Actions > Reinitialize.


Those are really weird glitches. I'm now not really sure if those are caused by streamsmooth alone. Though the ones regarding the floating torches may have been.


Yes I did. However, I remember having to go into OB's video settings to maximize them which Streamsmooth likes to control when it's active. I can only presume that I had a crash and it re-initialized itself because it was still active. I also think Streamsmooth might activate itself everytime you hit Ctrl+Home, because everytime I checked to see if my settings were sticking, it was active again!? In any case, I de-activated it in my level 2 game by doing what you prescribed and left it alone and continued playing to get this latest glitch...


If I recall correctly, after installing Tamriel Travellers, I saw this happen the first time I met one of them but not all of them. I have since checked the files in the Omod .zip against my Data folder just to see if everything was installed. It's not a complicated file and everything seems to be okay... maybe the file was corrupted during d/l or something, or Steamline is buggered? Anyways, to ensure I didn't goof up with Streamline, I'll just uninstall it for now and see how things work on my Win 7 setup as its better equipped, and also the most problem prone. BTW, thanx for getting back to me with this... it's a start.

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I know it's not caused by missing meshes or else a lot of WTF! I'm a missing mesh signs would show up in your game or just definitely crash it. It's somehow to do with graphics. Have you activated BSA Redirection in OBMM/Wrye Bash?


I checked this (in Obmm) and it's set to BSA Alteration... could that be the problem do you think? I can test it to see what happens. I don't recall what mod suggested this be changed, probably one of my texture mods. I remember they used a pic of the settings but in an older version of Obmm and the labels were different from my version. So, I had to make an educated guess at the settings. Thought I got it right tho. I rather hope the problems something as simple as this... thanx, I'll give it a try.

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I'm not so familiar with the options in OBMM now, I'm more of a Wrye Bash user but if it has an option for BSA Redirection, choose that. It has something to do with the loading sequence of BSAs and the loose meshes and textures from mods so it's also a candidate for those affecting the game's graphics.


Found the article for it. -> LINK

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I'm not so familiar with the options in OBMM now, I'm more of a Wrye Bash user but if it has an option for BSA Redirection, choose that. It has something to do with the loading sequence of BSAs and the loose meshes and textures from mods so it's also a candidate for those affecting the game's graphics.


Found the article for it. -> LINK


Thanx for the link... I have read this before, but I understand it alittle better this time round.


Well, I've got some bad news, I've tried this BSA Redirection setting to no avail, I've still got missing body parts and see thru armor & heads. I even d'l the latest Catalyst drivers for my video card today and it doesnt seem any better. I was beginning to suspect part of the problem had to do with my graphics card drivers, but that doesn't seem to be the case unless the newer ones are less compatible with Oblivion... I dunno.


You know it's never been this bad before. I recollect more problems (mostly CTDs) occuring as my 1st character and time progressed (from 6 to 10 months playtime), but that's it. Now, it seems that every other load screen presents some sort of graphical problem on all three games - new, mid and advanced! I haven't done anything radical lately and followed installation instructions faithfully. I've always researched every Mod for problems before istallation, so I don't think I've done anything drastically wrong, yet these problems seem to be getting worse. Any other ideas AnimalRiot?

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I'm wondering if your missing body parts may not be related to BSA Alteration. A quote from the article linked by AnimalRiot:

What Wrye Bash, OBMM and BSA Patcher do is to sidestep the ArchiveInvalidation problem by making Oblivion think it never had a copy of the textures you are replacing.


In other words, these utilities edit your Textures BSA so that Oblivion cannot find the original version of texture files you have replaced, thus forcing the game to load the replacements instead of the originals.

Further down it mentions keeping a backup of your bsa files in case of corruption (using both OBMM and BSA Patcher is one possible way of corrupting the bsa). I'm sure I've seen advice from Hickory on the subject that favours BSA Redirection over BSA Alteration for that reason. My thinking here is that you've corrupted your bsa. If the bsa is pointing to a nif that has a broken texture path I believe you'll see the invisible body parts.

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