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Rage PC specs


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PC specs....



OS: Win XP SP3, Vista, Win 7

Processor: Intel Core 2 Duo or Equivalent AMD

Memory: 2GB

Hard Disk Space: 25GB

Video Card: GeForce 8800, Radeon HD 4200




OS: Win XP SP3, Vista, Win 7

Processor: Intel Core 2 Quad or Equivalent AMD

Memory: 4GB

Hard Disk Space: 25GB

Video Card: GeForce 9800 GTX, Radeon HD 5550

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They seriously pulled off that megatexture thing? I thought that was just speculative.




and you'll love this....




I don't know what the 25GB is but it's not textures, it's a half arsed port.

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ATIs are having problems with this game right now. my PC runs it nicely


I've got ATI and just cancelled my pre-order, I'll grab it off Steam if they fix it. Are there any other graphics options apart from resolution and AA? some of those textures look horrible.

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