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Need Opinions on computer purchase

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If you really want to buy a whole PC, I'd recommend something like this:



And replacing the graphics card with a better one, personally recommending a Sapphire 6850, if you want to play the game on very high detail.

Or if you want to be cheap, a 4870 should be enough for high-ish detail (without AA and AF)

You sir have made my day. Thank you. From reading the info on this 1 it seems like its quad processor rght? It reads x4? BTW until Skyrim comes out I will be delivering Pizza...very fast....TIPSTIPSTIPS.

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If you really want to buy a whole PC, I'd recommend something like this:



And replacing the graphics card with a better one, personally recommending a Sapphire 6850, if you want to play the game on very high detail.

Or if you want to be cheap, a 4870 should be enough for high-ish detail (without AA and AF)

Ohh this site looks great. One thing though after fooling around in that post u sent me. It has 1 review of one being shipped and not working with blue screen error. What would you say comparing your post with this one i found on the same site. http://www.newegg.com/Product/Product.aspx?Item=N82E16883103374 NEVERMIND I SEE NOW that this acer is crap...

Edited by LCRO775
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while feedback is something to look at, you cant take every bad comment to heart. it is electronics after all and something as complex as PCs are bound to be shipped DOA or messed up every once in a while. sure if you see an over abundance of bad comments, steer away, but some here and there are to be expected.....plus if you buy from newegg, they are pretty good about RMAing and what not.


The PC lv000 listed is better. search around some. for $300 your not about to find your next gaming rig thats gunna play Skyrim full blast. whatever you buy is going to need upgrades if you wanna it to play on high settings, especially Skyrim.

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while feedback is something to look at, you cant take every bad comment to heart. it is electronics after all and something as complex as PCs are bound to be shipped DOA or messed up every once in a while. sure if you see an over abundance of bad comments, steer away, but some here and there are to be expected.....plus if you buy from newegg, they are pretty good about RMAing and what not.


The PC lv000 listed is better. search around some. for $300 your not about to find your next gaming rig thats gunna play Skyrim full blast. whatever you buy is going to need upgrades if you wanna it to play on high settings, especially Skyrim.

Yes upgrading is good. I just want a good stable desktop to upgrade on. This Pc lv000 do you have a link? Very intrested in seeing.

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The one I linked to was only an example.

After a bit of searching you could find a better and cheaper one for sure.

The bad thing about buying a whole computer like this is that it comes with useless stuff. Like a mouse and keyboard in this case.


Though it's not really a bad choice, upgrade the graphics card and you can run Skyrim well.

Here's my personal recommendation for a graphics card if you have the extra cash (I currently have this one, it's running everything on max):



It does cost a bit more, but you won't have to upgrade your PC for a few years.

Edited by Iv000
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You might want to look into building your own PC. I built a really nice PC for about $2000 that is better than something Alienware will give you for $4000. Someone could do fairly well with a $500 budget, and at least have a machine capable of playing most games on medium settings and get decent FPS. And if you build your own PC, things like the case, and the PSU, and a few other things could be saved and used on future builds. And they are also more easily upgradable than OEM stuff.
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UPDATE AND BUMP> I have saved some goood money! . Now can anyone tell me if this graphics card http://www.sapphiretech.com/presentation/product/?leg=&psn=0001&pid=497&lid=1# and this computer http://www.newegg.com/Product/Product.aspx?Item=83-229-266&SortField=0&SummaryType=0&Pagesize=10&PurchaseMark=&SelectedRating=-1&VideoOnlyMark=False&VendorMark=&IsFeedbackTab=true&Page=3 are comnpatible? And also Is this a good computer for skryim?
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yes, but the thing is, is if your going to buy a whole PC then its somewhat a waste to buy a separate GPU, cause then the one in the PC is useless and you bought it for nothing. your better off either 1) building the PC from scratch yourself or 2) buying a second 6670 and putting them in Crossfire, if you can.


i would suggest going with option A. it can be a bit more expensive (or not, all depends really) but its worth every penny.

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