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Search button results awry


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Hoping someone can help -

Summary: I have a question regarding the search feature. I used to be able to search for "voice actor" and have my thread come up, but now when I search for "voice actor" in five pages of results, I don't see my thread anymore. Do you know what the issue could be?


Thread Affected: http://www.thenexusf..._1#entry3473059


Details: I PM'd a staff member who duplicated the problem. The staff member who was an incredible help, (BBen46) advised me that he tried, both without quotes and with. Without, he got a lot of 'Voice' posts and a few 'actor' posts and No 'Voice actor' in the several pages he looked at. Then when using quotes "Voice actor" again returned a bunch of just 'voice' but a few 'voice actor' posts, without the thread in question. http://www.thenexusforums.com/public/style_emoticons/dark/blink.gif


Our guess is the search function uses any word in the search as a key word, and is supposed to use all words when in quotes but has only been using single words. Also it may not search all forums either. However, this is perplexing because about a month or so ago, it would work. I'd type in voice actor without quotes, and the thread would pop right up. I know many modders could benefit from my thread, and I give a lot of my time freely and without hesitation to the community to voice act mods. I want to make sure I am available as an option if someone searches for voice work.


Thanks guys,



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Thank you for the feedback - I've modified the post to make it readable on either background.


I tried the search term you suggest but it still didn't work. What do you think could be wrong?

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Now for the first time since testing yesterday does the thread finally come up but only one out of every two times I search.


For the other half of results, where the thread doesn't come up, result titles to other unrelated threads contain WIP notations and the counter shows much fewer search results than when it does work even though I use the same exact terms.


Has the search function ever done anything like this before?

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I added a reply to my invisible thread to search engines here, and searched 'voice actor.' Then I sorted search results by "last updated" and the thread still didn't come up. Again this thread appears as recently updated, but that one does not.

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It might be a temporary bug so I'll check again next week. If it's still not working, I'll ask IP.Board.


Thank you everyone for your help.




It appears to have been a temporary glitch of some sort. Search results finally work consistently.


Hail, to all those that helped. Thank you again.

Edited by Dark5pace
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