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Dead Island


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Dead island..


First person adventure-survival-zombie game :) Very very nice! Better than LFD4 it's my opinion ^_^.


What do you think of it? I played it for about 30 minutes and i got seizure! :D

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It's quite nice.

Though it has a lot of game breaking bugs. (Like weapons disappearing, and you getting stuck in a workbench without being able to exit the game.)

I haven't played it for a while, they probably fixed those already.

But yes, I like it a lot more then L4D. It's more tactical. And more fun. :thumbsup:

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The console version, or at least the 360 version, seems much more stable. The worst bug I've run into was a Ram glitching through a door and nearly giving me a heart attack. I caused the game to freeze up once by driving a truck through a crowd of zombies that included two Suiciders, but I'm pretty sure that was just the system overloading from all the kaboom since that's happened with a few other games besides DI.


On the whole, my biggest complaint is that the cutscenes always show all four playable characters even if you're going it alone. IMO the devs should have made the rest of the cast AI-controlled when in singleplayer. I've taken to handwaving it by saying that my character's schizo and seeing invisible friends. :P


Wouldn't say it's better than L4D... the format is too different to compare the games. The only things they've got in common are that you can play them co-op and there "special" infected that have too much in common in some cases to be coincidental. L4D campaigns break down into neat, bite-sized chunks that you can easily hang onto a whole team all the way through; DI is a continuous experience and it is very difficult to maintain the same team with the same players through the entirety of a single chapter, let alone the whole game. You can't really fail a DI campaign, either; even if you party wipe you all just respawn with less money. L4D is all about gunplay; in DI you have to treat ammo like the crown jewels until the last third of the game... I rarely used guns except to deal with uninfected humans and to blow up propane tanks; against zombies melee weapons, explosives, and molotovs were almost always the best choices.


I'd describe DI as a cross between Dead Rising and Borderlands.

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my game destroyed my save files.... twice. its well known game ending bug and there has been no patch for it 24 days later. this is getting ridiculousness.


There are some possible fixes in this thread. The bug does seem to have something to do with the size of your inventory, I'm selling everything I come across to keep mine to a minimum.



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I absolutely love this game

Cannot get enough of it.

Ive even modded it quite a bit too. More saturation and no fog for example.

I've also made it so you can carry 10 cans and 10 snacks to add a little realism to it.


The worst bug I have seen in this game is the collision of zombies. I hate the fact they can run through eachother. I kick a front zombie to knock the group back but instead only one goes back and the others clip through and hurt you.


I'm currently looking through the scripts to change how guns work.

A bullet to the head should kill a zombie! No question about it.

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I absolutely love this game

Cannot get enough of it.

Ive even modded it quite a bit too. More saturation and no fog for example.

I've also made it so you can carry 10 cans and 10 snacks to add a little realism to it.


The worst bug I have seen in this game is the collision of zombies. I hate the fact they can run through eachother. I kick a front zombie to knock the group back but instead only one goes back and the others clip through and hurt you.


I'm currently looking through the scripts to change how guns work.

A bullet to the head should kill a zombie! No question about it.


I haven't got to the stage when i get a gun :) But i mean no headshot critical? :/ Bull**** man... I am Sam B either way i only use blunt :) and trowhing knifes...

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Well you can get a gun not too far from the beginning of the game. You're given it as a reward but won't give spoilers. Ammo is very scarce but there is a part of the game where you can get a gun. But they really suck unless you get a critical with them which is as random as melee.

Don't waste ammo on zombies, thugs or any other form of zombie.

Use them on infected.

Shotguns close range are fantastic though, Rifles aren't too bad.

Some people feel the game would be too easy. I kinda agree but then again it goes Against everything related to zombies by having headshots not do much damage.

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