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200 years on and technology is still the same


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This is something I've often thought about with games like this that wind the time on so much. Why is it after 200 years the technology is exactly how it is in Oblivion and Morrowind. All the armour and swords are made of the same stuff, the architecture is probably the same as well. They havent invented more advanced weapons such as crossbows, cannons (of course these would need gun powder), catapults, trebuchets, etc.


Im not saying they should have cars and guns (cant think of anything I'd want less in an elder scrolls game), but it seems to me that they make very little progress as time moves on. Especially considering the fact that they have magic to make life even easier. I know they may not progress the same way as we have, but they managed to get to stone castles, swords, bows and armour so it seems reasonable to expect them to advance somewhat.


I personally would rather them just wind time on a few years and not change much in terms of in game technology. But if they advance it 200 years it does beg the question of why they don't progress.


I just wondered what other peoples views are on this, and am I missing something? Has magic made them lazy? :biggrin:


Edit: Just to clarify as most people dont seem to have read what I actually wrote I DONT WANT GUNS!

Edited by egg
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well... one thing to consider is this... technology in our history progressed extremely slow at first. As time went on, technology advanced faster and faster... as current technology became more readily available and living conditions got better, and/or many other conditions.


well.. if you consider the elder scrolls and where they might place in our own timeline... 200 years 'might' not seem all that much at all.


EDIT: And as other pointed out... magic in the Elder Scrolls world can acomplish things that are unheard of in our own. But I do think it strange that those that don't practice magic wouldnt move forward with mundane technologies. Or a mage with techno-magic discoveries.

For all we know, this IS being done and it'll become more evident in newer Elder Scrolls.

Edited by El`derina
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I always though of Oblivions glass armor to be more "refined" (even though Morrowind had much better looking glass stuff). Some housing in morrowind also seemed pretty primitive, though it most likely was just the area. I don't mind small changes here and there, but I could care less if they went 1000 years with no advances. I like the fantasy feel of it :happy: .
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If ever the Elder Scrolls games had guns in them....I would probably have a mental breakdown. That's the worst thing they could do. I would lose all hope for humanity if they put guns in the Elder Scrolls. We have enough shooters in the world.
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If ever the Elder Scrolls games had guns in them....I would probably have a mental breakdown. That's the worst thing they could do. I would lose all hope for humanity if they put guns in the Elder Scrolls. We have enough shooters in the world.


lol i second this! :P

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If ever the Elder Scrolls games had guns in them....I would probably have a mental breakdown. That's the worst thing they could do. I would lose all hope for humanity if they put guns in the Elder Scrolls. We have enough shooters in the world.


forgive me for saying this... but if it did come to that, I think Bethesda can make a better "fable' than Lionhead Studios.


...when you consider it tho, Guns in Elder Scrolls wouldn't make sense to Bethesda, I mean come on! They won't even do crossbows anymore, their logic would be "We already have bows and arrows, what do you need guns for?"

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If ever the Elder Scrolls games had guns in them....I would probably have a mental breakdown. That's the worst thing they could do. I would lose all hope for humanity if they put guns in the Elder Scrolls. We have enough shooters in the world.


forgive me for saying this... but if it did come to that, I think Bethesda can make a better "fable' than Lionhead Studios.


...when you consider it tho, Guns in Elder Scrolls wouldn't make sense to Bethesda, I mean come on! They won't even do crossbows anymore, their logic would be "We already have bows and arrows, what do you need guns for?"

Lol I agree they would do it better than Lionhead. Yea my faith in Bethesda is too strong. I just hate when my friends so "Ohhh Elder Scrolls games would be 10x better if they had guns!" Just the thought makes me sick. :biggrin:

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