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What classes will you create


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I know that with the coming of skyrim bethesda has done away with the set classes, but with the new content such as dual weilding, i was curious as to the kind of characters people were planning on playing. I was planning on playing a shaman, dual weilding maces and utilizing destruction spells using, wearing leather or chain mail armor. So just let people know what kind of weaponry your class will use, the armor, name, and any other information pertaining to your class that you would like to throw in.


11/11/11 FTW!

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Gonna try and specialize in this game for my characters. My Nord will be all about blunt weaponry, my Redguard swords (pure dual-wielder), my Orc axes, and my Bosmer bows and daggers. My Breton and Altmer mages will obviously have staffs, but unsure what to give them for backup/last resort weapons. Probably daggers, but who knows? Not really getting too creative here, i know, but i've always liked using just one weapon type if i could get away with it in games.
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I love going straight into battle head on with the occasional planning/sneak attack. But I'll most likely have dual weaponry (blades), use some magic (mainly heal some destruction and the only illusion which catches my eye is turning invisible), and I think i'll try out using a bow but that won't be my main weapon. I've never been into alchemy in any game but it seems that Bethesda has drawn me into trying it out and some how I feel like i'm going to enjoy it. Armor....not sure most of my characters what they end up using is light armor, but w/e makes me look sexier ;)
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Think I mentioned it in another post... I'll be a Battle Summoner.

Two Handed weapons(or one handed if I cant cast using a two hander)






in that order.

I'll use light armor and heavy armor both, switching between the two at times as suits my fancy so it'll never become a major skill.

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Well... I do have plans but the nature of the game will probably make me find a fun spell or something and then make me go on an entirely different path than I figured I would.


But yeah, I got two characters planned.


1st character

Nord that focuses on 1handed axes and shield, and bows on occasion. Wears heavy armor and utilizes shouts to a great extent. My standard Dragonborn, will let me enjoy the story to its fullest I think.


2nd character

Stealthy Argonian that focuses on daggers for assassinations, and Alteration and Illusion as helping tools. Illusion lets him manipulate his enemies into fighting eachother while he stays hidden in the shadows, waiting for just one enemy to remain. If things go wrong he can use Alteration to create a shield for close combat. His blade is always poisoned.

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My first class will probably be a warrior. One handed with swords and shield and heavy armour. He will be a good character.


My 2nd class will be an assassin for the DB and probably a vampire as well. He will be mainly focussed on daggers, stealth and bows and wear light armour.


Then after that who knows. I could start playing and just decide that I prefer something else and play that way. Thats one of my favourite things with these games, you can just adapt to whatever you want to do.

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i could like a moded class that use one sword style


ummm and the race will be something like vergil but with this look




or something similar :thumbsup:

Edited by vergil911
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Classes technically won't exist in Skyrim since there is no major/minor skill system counting towards level, but rather all skills counting a portion towards your level.


Even for starting skills, I suspect that these will be either racial, or initial specialization based or come to light during a prologue/tutorial.


The closest thing to any defined class would be specialization... which is the main archetype Warrior, mage, thief, with each applying a bonus to a group of skills. But this can be changed at any time.

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