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armor-;ess combat armor request


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I've always been a fan of having a military-ish character in fallout, and one of the things that has always surprised me is that despite the global nuke war, there is an ungodly amount of surviving pre war armors. Just to use FO3 and NV as examples, we have combat armor(plus the security variants from FO3 & ranger armors from NV), leather armor, power armor, etc. Even the Recon armor(which, according to the lore, is under armor for Power Armor) And now with Lonesome Road, we find an intact US Army General's uniform. Yet, no un-armored militaryish uniforms can be found, unless you count the Merc Grunt Outfit as being military.


I recently noticed that the clothing parts of Combat Armor appear to be a uniform itself. any chance someone could take the combat armor and remove the armored plates, thus making an actual Fallout world, lore friendly US military uniform?

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